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Set Solo ultimate diver

1 0 6,845
by PinkPanther710 updated September 30, 2020

Smite God: Set

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Set Build

starter items for all builds

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

full build (physical enemy)

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Talisman of Energy Talisman of Energy

blessing & boot sell

Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker


Notes if u are comfortable go blink then belt and no tp.
you can back if your incoming wave is at the start of tier 2 then make it out if you use your 2+3 out of base.


if u are comfortable go blink then belt and no tp.
you can back if your incoming wave is at the start of tier 2 then make it out if you use your 2+3 out of base.

Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy

full build magical

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

sell blessing & boots

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen

Heavy defense

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Blackthorn Hammer Blackthorn Hammer
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge

sell bless & boots

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

hybrid power (swap phyiscal or magical depending on opponent

Notes if they have more physical go breastplate of valor and runic as magical or ancile


if they have more physical go breastplate of valor and runic as magical or ancile

Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Void Shield Void Shield
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard

sell blessing & boots

Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Blackthorn Hammer Blackthorn Hammer

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League of Legends Build Guide Author PinkPanther710
Set Solo ultimate diver
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