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Deaths Toll - We're picking this up instead of Leather Cowl as it gives better sustain earlier and the upgrade Death's Temper will allow for big Damage Crits.
Morning Star - Obviously going to become a Transendence just a powerhouse item loads of power and mana and with Jing Wei's ability to get back to lane quick you'll likely get it stacked faster.
Purification Bead's - Bead's is a given. Just immuning dangerous CC will never be bad.
Potion's - I typically grab Multipots for burst healing when you want to get aggresive and dont feel you need the longevity that Mana Potion's give as you get back to lane super fast.
Death's Temper - Losing sustain for up to 35% increaseed basic attack damage is just better than Death's Embrace's sustain and lack of attack speed.
Transcendence - Big Power item allowing you basics to hit hard and gives you a massive mana pool on top.
Atalanta's Bow - Our first crit item and it gives us nearly all the stats we need except pen, it is lacking on the sustain power of an item like Asi but as Jing Wei this is hardly an issue.
Silverbrach Bow - you wont be maxing the passive from this item till later in the game but 20% pen with power and premium attack speed it just impossible to pass up.
Wind Demon - Arguably Jing Wei's best item if the passive is up you will be shredding anyone. Another crisp 10% pen and attack speed. Jing Wei is able to use her 2 to more reliably get the passive up and running earlier than anyone else, there is an argument for Wind Demon before Silverbranch just base it on how your game is going, lots of teamfights? Get Silverbranch. If not then grab the Wind Demon for better boxing into your laner.
Envenomed Deathbringer - probably the most overkill item in the build given your 2's crit chance modifier but extra crit damage is always appreciated. Swap this for Quins/ Executioners if tanks are running rampant.
Shadowsteel Shuriken - Swapping out Deathbringer? I know its seems scary not getting those bigger numbers but honestly game are won and lost by antiheal and Wind Demon's passive/Atalanta's Stats are too crucial to the build to drop. Naturally only swap the items when healing/sustain is running the game.
Qin's Sais - its no secret Qin's is the premium for tank shredding coupled with 30% pen when Wind Demon is active you will be absolutely chunking if you land your autos consistently, if in the late game you are still struggling to drop the tanks then you can sub out Atalanas's for Executioner getting the Ferocious glyph. the sustain lost wont matter too much by this poin tin the game and with Jing Wei's safety you can get out and back into fight really quickly.
Late game this is Jing Wei's strongest build but during the early game is extremely weak. I think Jing Wei is the most likely god to actually pull this build off given her better saftey and crit stim than any other hunter. If you see buffs coming Arrow/Devo's way be sure to give this build a whirl.
Hunter's Cowl - Probably the most meta starter for hunter's right now and can certainly work on Jing Wei especially given its utility to get into fight's quickly with the movespeed and provide team utility in an attack speed aura and bolstering your lifesteal. Jing Wei already gets into fights incredibly quick and relies less on sustain that most other hunters and as someone who really wants big crit numbers Death's Temper's increaesed damage will trump it.
Ferocious Executioner - The absolute in tank hate for hunters so why no inclusion on the main build? Unfortunately this is due to a lack of space in the build Jing Wei is basically forced to go crit or fail. This item could replace Silverbranch Bow or Deathbringer but both have their uses and getting your 20% pen is vital on Silverbranch as opposed to building up to a better overall higher Penetration.
Dominance - This item is nearly completely outclassed on hunters by Silverbranch/Exe the lack of attack speed leans this item towards Assassins moreso than Hunters but can be picked up in place of Deathbringer for a ludicrous amount of pen if that is what you fancy.
Ornate Arrow - unfortunately this items starter is too weak in current meta's not giving any early sustain itself and the Gold injection not being potent enough to warrant picking it up. Keep an eye on this item as with buffs to this or Devourers Gauntlets could see Jing Wei's build completely rervamp itself.
Asi - Extrenmely good sustain and stats just unfortunately as a hunter going into Crit we are better suited picking up Atalanta's for our sustain.
Skill Order - Im not too sure if thats how the skill sequence actually maxes out but key point level you 1 for wave clear and damage then your 2 for the increased crit chance and then your 3 for power boost post dash, we max ult last as we should not be using this aggresively.
Level 2 - whilst you can definitely level your 2 at this point for extra wave clear and damage I feel the safety net of your dash is too good to pass up especially in the early fight where Jing Wei tends to struggle. Also Knocking an enemy up followed by you knocking yourself up and dashing right on top of them will likely give you more kill potential that just leveling the 2.
Tap each threat level to view Jing Wei’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Jing Wei’s synergies
Jing Wei
Rapid Reincarnation (Passive) - One of the reasons Jing Wei can play so safe is because of this Passive. Flying out of base you can get to your Tier 2 tower or on top of your Support buff for some quick farm. Not to mention you can back after a wave is killed get some Wards and still get to lane before you miss minions to the Tower. if you are at low health and there's not a lot in lane to fight over you have literally no reason to not get the free top up. That being said spending too much time backing will lose you all the jungle farm and you'll start to fall behind.
Persistent Gust (Abilty 1) - Jing Wei's main clear and poke tool but also doubles up as an extremely potent 40% attackspeed buff for 7 seconds best used on grouped minion's see if your support can group them in the early fights and later on you can use your 2nd ability to force the Melees and Archers together. Its got a relatively long CD so I wouldn't recommend using it in between waves too often. When placing it on a spread minion wave keep in mind that the archer's will die to this ability alone just off of the damage but you wont be able to easily get the attack speed steroid it provides too easily. Placing it on the Melee side of the wave wont kill them outright especially early but can also be used to hit enemy gods with short range line ability like Apollo, Anhur, Xing Tian. When you are able to, be sure to give yourself a quick knockup possibly in conjuction with your Dash to start blitzing autos at enemies.
Explosive Bolts (Ability 2) - An interesting buff that makes your auto's wider, more Scaling damage and increases their Crit chance as it gains levels. Early on this is best used to help clear wave when there's no potential for kills and can be used to group Melee's with Archers as they run to meet eachother. That being said the potential at level 3 to get a Knock up and follow it up with a self Knock up Dash and lay down 3 rapid harder hitting auto's cannot be ignored, whilst the combo is very mana hungry you will likely deal a large enough amount of damage to your fellow laner to just Basic attack the wave down. Death's Toll also can be used with this ability to restore your mana back to a healthy amount. Unlike a lot of other Hunter self buff's this doesnt come with a nice toasty Attack speed steroid to we have to be a bit more clever using this waiting on this ability for a Support Ability/Ultimate that groups up enemies will yield much more damage than other Hunter's Attack speed stims. We can also use the splash damage to hit enemies who are hugging thier minion wave a little to tightly, Not nearly as deadly as an Izanami or Rama but certainly useful in those low health duke em outs.
Agility (Ability 3) - Jing Wei's escape and engage tool, best used when airborne from other knockup or your own as the dash goes further and also give a stronger buff to your Power and Movement speed. typically use this when going in for kills as the extra power and movespeed will help tremendously chase down enemies with rapid autos. The extra movespeed will also help run away from junglers looking to set you back.
Air Strike (Ultimate) - This is the big escape tool, you may be looking at the damage number and want to use this aggresively but its best used when you are getting dove on or to immune CC and get a bit of damage off as you flutter to the saftey of your team/tower to escape efficiently just immediatly hit to land as far away from enemies as possible. Waiting in the air to select a landing spot gives enemies a chance to chase down all your escape routes and to recharcge their cooldowns. When to use this ability aggresively? If an enemy is about to escape usually over a wall or just through the jungle and they are super weak then by all means try to tag them with the damage for the kill/catch up to them for that last auto but do know that you are getting rid of your best escape in the process and that a Jungler is likely to punish your lack of ult.
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