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(Support Arthur) King of Auras

1 6 5,335
by AshlynOfCamelot updated November 22, 2021

Smite God: King Arthur

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Build Summary

Basic build

Notes If crit is in play, switch mystical for either Loin or Spectral


If crit is in play, switch mystical for either Loin or Spectral

Build Item Sentinel's Gift Sentinel's Gift
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Full build

Build Item Sentinel's Embrace Sentinel's Embrace
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence

Extended Build


I kinda feel like the nerfs to Arthur hit him a little too hard so I've been playing him in the support role. He actually has quite a bit of peel with his multiple instances of cc that he has in his kit. In playing around with him I've found that just mass auras actually tend to work pretty well. You are the engager to team fights most of the time so when you dash in of course your teams going to be right behind you so supporting them with just a bunch of stat boosts actually just shift team fights. Your squisies having an extra 50+ protections by just simply standing next to you changes how fast they have to react and can possibly save them. Or give you enough time for example to change targets and get whatever is on them off of them. Of course certain items can be switched around like mystical and pestilence/heartward. Shoguns is very nice especially if you have a lot of auto gods on your team. As well as it can of course help you get charged ults quicker. Getting back onto why I believe Arthur makes a good support is because of course his ccs that he has, the stun, the cripple, the slow, the knock up. But weirdly people forget he actually prot shreds. and it's quite a bit of prot shred as well. Engaging with your cleaves just hits the whole enemy team with weakened stats to begin a team fight with. Plus because of all your aura prots it's just even more of an advantage.
As for good combos to use with your abilities if you're new to Arthur. B stands for Blue and O is for Orange.
B3 into O2. Prot shred into a knockup. A lot of damage from you yes but this leaves the opponent vulnerable to your ADC, Mage or Jungler
B2 into O1. Straight forward. They're not leaving, Slowed AND crippled.
Remember to always try and either O1, B2 or O2 or B3 into O2 before ulting. To insure either they don't get away, leap away or with the B3, to get as much damage as possible out of your ult.
Don't be afraid to use attack speed items either honestly. Like I said with shoguns. The extra charge affects more then people think it does

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League of Legends Build Guide Author AshlynOfCamelot
(Support Arthur) King of Auras
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