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Start yourself off in the lane the right way. I've messed around with bluestone, Death's Toll, Warrior's Axe, and even Manikins on this god. While all of them feel fun I found that bluestone, as with most solo laners, works the best. Cudgel will eventually go into Frostbound giving you a slight advantage early in the lane. Healing and Multi pots as usual. Teleport for fast rotations or, if you die, get back to lane fast. Carapace gives you a but of tankiness to survive those close encounters
While you won't need the blink on Surtr it is nice to have and I mostly threw it in here as a placeholder. As per usual, Relics are preference. This final build is taken mostly from Haddix. Breastplate of Regrowth was an afterthought but adds a bit of fun to the god and goes well with his passive. Of course, in the variations tab, you can swap this out as you like. I suggest using Mystcial Mail or even a Sovereignty.The Amulet will convert your physical prots to magical prots so focus on using physical defense items to get those up instead of throwing on an Oni Hunter's, Genji's, etc.
I threw Pridwen and Arondight in here just in case you wanna spice things up and have some ideas
Your 3 should be the leveling priority. Whether you buy the 1 or the 2 next is preference, I like the 2 for early lane pressure and the stun. Your 3, as stated, is your priority as your 3 and your passive are what you have to play around in the lane and team fights. Your 3 picks up your passive for you so it will give you a slow, movement speed, and sustain all in one. The 1 is much better while stacked but don't think about it too much as your 1 regardless is still a great damage tool. The 2 is a stun, what else is there to say? Surtr's ult is both an escape and an engage tool. While Surtr is good in the sustain department, even he may get into bad spots, use your ult to escape a gank, bad team fight, etc. Or, if you like to be the front runner and start the fights, engage with it and use the knockup to pick off a squishy Mage.
I am in NO way a pro at his game, I don't play ranked, I don't play in stacks, I just play and wait to see what the next god is. When I heard it was Surtr, my favorite mythological character, I had to return to the game. I was worried I might be disappointed with his kit, but Hi-Rez did not disappoint. I played a few games with him, got him to rank 6. It feels good to play Surtr after basically being a one-trick Gilgamesh for most of my SMITE play time. His stun is well done, I think his 1 is fine, his 3 is great, ult is great, his passive is a little over tuned but that'll get fixed... maybe. I enjoyed watching all of favorite SMITE content creators make wacky and funny builds with him. I tried them all in games or variations of them and, oh boy, this god is flexible. Surtr in the solo lane still feels the best for me after playing him in the jungle and making memes with him as a support. While Horus does take the biggest bird **** on him at the moment, that doesn't make him any less fun, it just annoys you when you see an enemy Horus. While he has no base movement (unless you argue his 3 or even his 1) his ult is a great escape, engage, and even just an overall good and well done ability. I look forward to messing around with him and seeing just how much damage his 1 can really do once you reach max stacks. Animosity Axe on Surtr, in my experiment with it, is actually not as strong as I wished, but maybe I am just bad. I can't wait to see what comes next for this god and I look forward to experimenting with more builds. (THE BUILD IN THIS GUIDE, NOT INCLUDING THE VARIATIONS, IS FROM HADDIX AND NOT MYSELF)
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