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I like going benevolence here, as you'll give out plenty of prots later, and you can very easily recover the missing health, which is never noticeable tbh.
I like the 5 health pots to start, it keeps you in lane for a long time and you can build a lead over the enemy support pretty early when they need to back.
As long as everything goes to plan, I back after hitting about 1300 gold. If your low on health, you can head back around 1150, as you can afford full shoes and a ward.
This is quite honestly my favorite build to run. Your team fight is absolutely unstoppable late game, and going with benevolence instead of sentinels lets you get enough gold for the build very quickly. Even if you fall behind the enemy support in level early, you are still outgaining him in exp and gold, and will eventually roll. I usually notice around level 13, many supports get stuck for whatever reason. Going benevolence allows you to power through the slow stage and get to end game, likely 2-3 fights before the enemy support.
As far as absolutely essential to the build, you want lotus and talisman. Tyrannical Helm is a pretty situational item. Terra's early game is quite weak, and if you fall behind the enemy support, Tyrannical Helm will even the playing field. Once the landing phase is over, I wouldn't bother buying it, as mages and ADC's can just burst lanes down with or without Helm.
As far as CD, there isn't much for a sieging buuld. I like going Chronos here because it gives you the most CD out of any single item, and the extra healing from the power gained is also pretty nice. The MP5 helps a bit as well, as Terra's kit is extremely combo heavy, and its not uncommon to dump your entire kit onto the enemy. I've also been told the Pridwen is a great option here, and if you find yourself getting bullied, I would definitely go that route instead of chronos.
After I sell boots, I will pick up a game dependant item. Much of the time I'm getting a relic dagger, and being aggressive with my relics. An upgraded Belt of Frenzy + a Terra ult is an almost guaranteed team fight win, and if you can spam that every 90 seconds, your going to win a lot of fights.
You really really want to hold the skill point at level 8 so you can finish crushing earth and get a 2nd point in your ulti. If you can't or don't want to hold the point, put it in monolith and then finish crushing earth at level 10.
Tap each threat level to view Terra’s threats
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You do lack CD for sure, I've found her CD to be short enough with just the 10%, as her combo does take some time to pull off.
I dont really understand the build order, should you buy the tyrannical helm after you sold boots?
I have been rolling with a chronos pendant in that last slot. It gives essentially 30% cd with its passive, and the extra power it has over RoA helps the healing out. I am open to feedback, but this has felt pretty good the last few games.
Also, the raw healing
And it's not like you're building crazy protections. Early you're opting for
Lotus Crown is the right call here over
I had RoA in the Chronos slot, in the hunt for the final item.