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The Bully Build

69 22 60,414
by LegitLiquid updated March 5, 2022

Smite God: Bellona

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Bellona Build

The Bully Build

Notes I've ran it a few times in arena and I've gone postive everytime.
At the end sell your starter for Deathbringer for the memes. Plus Beserkers and Asi just work so great together.
It's got:
and CC

it's perfect


I've ran it a few times in arena and I've gone postive everytime.
At the end sell your starter for Deathbringer for the memes. Plus Beserkers and Asi just work so great together.
It's got:
and CC

it's perfect

Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Envenomed Deathbringer Envenomed Deathbringer

I've ran it a few times in arena and I've gone postive everytime.
At the end sell your starter for Deathbringer for the memes. Plus Beserkers and Asi just work so great together.
It's got:
and CC

it's perfect

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Branmuffin17 (401) | August 17, 2021 10:30am
While you've seen success with this build, it's not suggested in its current form IMO for a couple main reasons. I'm not saying you can't do generally well, but I believe your matchups are against somewhat lower level competition (queuing solo and you're matched often against players < acct level 50), which can allow you to get away with some things you might not against higher skill players.
  • Crits aren't really suggested for Bell because her 2 best stances for boxing (the 1 and 3) have attack progressions at 1 or below. Since crits multiply off of this progression, you're getting less out of crits in these stances than standard crit gods.

  • This is an obviously basic-attack-oriented build. Why are you then building Warrior's Axe, which is best used for ability-based gods? And it's arguably ineffective in a teamfight mode like Arena since it's designed mainly for slower early-game Conquest sustain function. IMO you'd be better off skipping Axe altogether. Alternatively you could consider a later-game Animosity, or just skip a starter type item altogether.

  • You chose Heavy Hammer but based on your actual game builds and your writeup mentioning "CC" it's obvious you meant Frostbound Hammer. That should be corrected.

  • When you commit to a full offensive build, I think you really want to include more pen than you have. You have 10% from Zerk, and 15 flat from Asi. I think it would be best if you had one more pen item.
At this point, I don't recommend this build except for memes/trolling.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LegitLiquid
The Bully Build
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