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Safe starter build, you'll be able to hold your ADC safe in lane for a long time. Use Meditation Cloak wisely. Upgrading it for T2 for 300 instead of Chalice of Healing can be a viable alternative for the reduced cooldown.
Glyphs can be put on hold, as they may seem too expensive to get at the time. However, keep in mind the Sentinel's Gift passive, rewarding you extra gold for assists (and this applies to buff/xp camps and minions)
With this build, you'll be able to annoy pretty much every enemy composition. Time your silence charge from Amulet of Silence well (so as not to spend it on any god), combo with Midgardian Mail's slow (to garantee the hit). I usually wait for charges to stack, use Groggy Strike and Throw Back abilities to position myself and silence the wanted enemy. Mind that they will not be able to use Relics, so this can garantee an Epic Uppercut strike.
Belt of frenzy + War Flag can put an immense pressure early on, as you and your ADC will clear lane insanely faster and with maximum poke damage capacity. Mind that you'll have less defense in this setting, so being agressive is mandatory for this to work.
Emperor's Armor can be very usefull, specially when holding towers alone early game or helping with that extra push on enemy towers
On account of all other 4 team members within range: Sentinel's Embrace + Thebes + Heartward + Sovereignty = 46 magical protection and 41 physical protection to each one. Taking together, this build excels for tower/phoenix diving teams and ease up objective completition.
Frontman build. Full CD% reduction + shield + stun + silence + move speed buff procs are awesome for engaging, chasing and even securing some kills in team fights.
Stone of Gaia can be replaced with other item for more utility. The 0.5% Max Health Regen per second is good enough for justify its use though.
Many Shield and HP Regen procs that can turn you into a CC machinegun mid team fight. Hide of Nemean Lion can be replaced with Breastplate of Valor or other phys protection item, if basic atk immunity is not a must-have in the match.
Regarding anti-heal, mind that both Contagion and Pestilence auras are the same, yet the former does give more bonuses overall (so try to plan ahead your item wishlist accordingly, so you don't end up in mid lane at level 6 with a health item + Contagion facing a Guardian and a Mage).
Usually, it is not expected from a support to do damage. Kumbhakarna, similar to Athena, Ares and Geb can do a lot of damage even with full-defense builds. Should you choose to go for an aggressive item, first consider the aura/utility you are abdicating for this.
Animosity is one of the safest picks for supports as it does not impact starter item, nor early game and overall build. Polynomicon is my item of choice in Joust/Arena matches, as it turns Kumbhakarna into a blood-seeking devil which can easily hit a polynomicon proc-basic atk after one of his infinite stuns
I usually go for Meditation + Thorns, but if facing multiple Lifesteal gods (such as a team with Izanami with Devourer's gauntlet and Asi, Hades solo and Anubis Mid), do consider using a Curse of Ankh morph
Kumbhakarna is an amazing support guardian, with incredibles CC effects. It excels at aggressive lane pushers, has overalll good mobility and is incredibly tanky! Although easily countered, his passive does its job in annoying the enemy team or giving you a second chance to get some revenge. A full-power crit build ADC could easily take down the opposing ADC, the mid and jungle gods with ~7 atks. Maybe he is too busy trying to ACTUALLY kill you with those 7 hits, leaving a ADC-less window in the teamfight
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Also in the upcoming patch you wont be able to buy 2 glyphs on one god anymore thanks to junglers. I am fine with BP support, as long as you get the correct upgrade!