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Thoth build- You can't judge a book by it's cover

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by Nab330 updated December 5, 2016

Smite God: Thoth

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Thoth Build

Write this down in your book!

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti


With this build, at max stacks you will have 3.1k health and over 800 magical power. Because of these high stats, and the pen you get from boots and Thoth's passive, you will be an absolute machine. Just know when to play safe and when to be aggressive. With 3k health but still having the ability to 100-0 somebody, you are a major threat to the enemy from afar or up close. An added bonus is that people will expect a Thoth player to stay in the back and play safe, while you can actually be aggressive and confront enemies. This build makes Thoth super beefy and they will wonder why you're so hard to kill.

What more? You still have the amount of magical power required to devastate enemies with your abilities. This build doesn't sacrifice damage. It actually has more magical power than building doom orb with tahuti and pairing it with other magical power items like soul reaver.

If you want to play Thoth more aggressively and still not worry about being super squishy, this build is for you.

I'm new to creating guides and this was done off of my phone, so I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks for reading!

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Datzmer (1) | December 22, 2016 8:36pm
On paper, this build seems ideal, what's not to want? However, while Thisbe is a devistating build for virtually any mage in the late game, you have to factor in the mid game and the early game.

Stack items like Thoth and Warlocks have a lot to offer the uaer, however this comes with an attached coat of time, you only get half the effect of there items straight away and the full effect 10 minute sale later. With this in mind, double stack items have incredible loss of efficiency when as soon as one is finished you have to stack more. This puts you in a difficult position, because if you ignore stacking, you go into fights offering very little in damage or sustain, on the other hand, if you were to prioritise stacking, your position would be known by the enemy's for the entirety of the mid game and they can take advantage of your absconded in fights to win them outright.

I do think you need BoT on Thoth, but considering Glyph offers increased range and power, high health isn't actually needed, when you could buy the likes of Polynomicon, vet mana flr BoT and some high flat power for a bargain, and thrash fights without taking a hit. Thoth is very new, so perhaps this is the ideal build, but I don't think double stacking is ever a good idea, particularly on mages where the stacks are 75 and 100 respectively, and while you can stack both at the same time, you're never going to have both at low enough amount where that's goin going to make a destinguisable difference. Just a though.
Datzmer (1) | December 22, 2016 8:38pm
Sorry for the various mistakes in spelling, This site's mobile functionality is dreadful.
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Thoth build- You can't judge a book by it's cover
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