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I like to start out with Sprint as the first and Blink as the second relic for extra mobility. If they have a CC heavy god like Ares I switch up Sprint with Beads.
Optional - If you have enough gold in the late game, sell boots, buy Elixir of Speed and Runeforged Hammer.
Tap each threat level to view Neith’s threats
Buy Beads instead of Sprint, get Aegis if necessary.
Array ( [god] => Array ( [god_id] => 23 [display_name] => Ares [url] => ares ) [scoreVal] => 2 [notes] => Buy Beads instead of Sprint, get Aegis if necessary. ) 1
The main idea behind this build is to be aggressive, spam a lot, do great damage to squishies and ok damage to tanks, while being tanky yourself with all the defense and sustain. It basically exploits three items which are very powerful each in their own right once fully stacked. And it's easiest to stack them exactly in this order. Why?
First off, when you start out with T2 gauntlet, you get some extra health and HP5, but have quite low damage output. That's fine, as the only thing you want to be doing is getting gold through minion assists, and rooting any enemy who gets closer or tries to engage your team. But play safe in this phase, it's not time for all out aggression yet. Also, don't spam abilities unnecessarily, your mana is low.
When you return to base for the first time, you'll want to have enough gold to complete your gauntlet. Remember, you're still not tanky, you have no power, no cdr, no boots, and very low mana. Continue playing safe, just rack up those minion assists and stack up your gauntlet as soon as possible.
At this point you'll have boots as well. Now the fun starts. With fully stacked gauntlet in early game you can tank more than half the enemy team, while dishing out some damage in return thanks to warrior tabi. It's ok now to get closer to the enemy and hit them with those 1+2 combos, followed by basic attacks. Backflip before you're put under hard CC and let the team finish off rooted enemies if they're not dead yet. Keep clearing waves, getting assists (and a kill or two if possible) so you can buy Transcendence and Jotunn. Get Blink as well.
Now, in mid game, you'll have plenty of mana, CDR and damage to be a constant major threat to squishies with your ability spamming. You'll be able to get close, chase targets down while soaking up damage, then backflip out of danger. Use Blink on high value targets, or anyone who's escaping with low health. Root or stun to either initiate a teamfight, or to peel. And keep clearing those waves - the faster you stack Trans, the better. You started out with a defensive item, so now you need to raise that power.
In mid-late game you get Hide of the Urchin. In this phase kills and assists are common, so it'll get stacked fairly quickly. And in the right time, as gauntlet alone can't keep you safe forever.
In the late game, you get Blackthorn, which maxes out your CDR, gives you a ton of health, and some useful power as well. At this point you'll want to buy a power potion, and then potentially save up for that elixir of speed + runeforged combo. Runeforged's passive works great with Neith, and the extra health puts you over 3000. You'll be as tanky as any warrior, but with a much higher burst potential, CC spamming, good mobility, high sustain, and fairly powerful basic attacks as well.
Give this build a try. You shouldn't be dying more than once or twice per match once you get used to the play style. The only known hard counter is Ares. A good Ares player can give you issues, so try to predict their actions. Other than that, you're good to go.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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in this case player damage and objective damage should have been high (preferably at least top 3 in the whole game or 1st in the whole game), however in this case I suspect damage mitigated to be high not the others
In the guide I linked, you and others gave clear criticism, with explanations on what was wrong wth the author's choices. The author ignored that feedback and instead posted this duplicate.