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Mages blessing, Boots and Chalice of healing.
Tyr is a ability god. Mages blessing gives him the perfect stats that he will need to survive laning phase. The MP5 the CDR (once evolved) and the extra ability damage to clear waves.
Also getting boots as around the time you would want to back and spent your gold you'll have around 1100 gold so you can spend that on finishing your boots. The dmg diffrence between tier 2 boots and t3 boots in huge so its a must.
Chalice of healing for the heals.
Teleport glyph (blink if your confident in CASUALS) you will need as you want to get to lane fast. I don't recommnend getting anything else like sprint, shell etc. because around the time you start rotating and leaving your lane is around the time you will have a 2nd relic. So i recommend you get blink as your second relic for obvious reason. Tyr engages most teamfights, so you would want to use blink behind an enemy and red fearless them. Most of the fights you are succesful in doing that on a important target (mid, adc) you'll win that fight.
So against physicals i recommend getting :
Warrior Tabi: First back item. 40 physical power and 18 procent movement speed. Is a must cause it has a ton of damage and gives you movement speed that you need to get to lane faster.
Gladiator shield : Damage, Physical prot, cdr and on top of that gives you 2,5 % health and mana when you use an ability on a god. Tyr has his 1 2 red and 1 2 blue so he can constaly apply this passive. If you land a perfect combo you can heal 10% of your health while destroying peoples health (ill talk about his full combo in somewhere else)
Breastplate of valor : Physical prot, Mana, MP5 and 20 CDR overall a strong item on Tyr and a must.
Winged Blade : Health, 20 % cdr reduction and movement speed and a passive that gives movement speed when slowed. This is a situational item works good on gods who slow you like Wukong.
Mantle of discord : Protections, cdr and a free out of jail card when you get down to 30%.
Spirit robe : Protections, cdr, 20% cdr reduction and a passive that gives miltigations when hit by a crowd control.
Bulwark of hope/Pestilence : This one is also situational i recommend getting pestilence when against gods who can heal. But if there isnt a lot of gods who can heal on the enemy team or if say your support got a pestilence already then get Bulwark of hope. Genji's guard can work too i recommend getting that if you're very aggresive.
Crusher : Ok so i know what you are thinking. But hear me out crusher can be very strong if you're ahead. Say you soloed some one 3 times and you just finished breastplate of valor you can get crusher it will make a you a big threat for the enemy team i highly recommend getting it.
Stone of Gaia : against ppl who can knockup like tyr (recommend getting that first item after warrior tabi)
Okay so thats against physical move on to Magical now :D
Tyr's damage is usually underrated but trust me he can do very much damage. Try this in joust get warrior tabi jotunns wrath, crusher and blink and oooh boi.
Against Magicals :
Warrior Tabi: First back item. 40 physical power and 18 procent movement speed. Is a must cause it has a ton of damage and gives you movement speed that you need to get to lane faster.
Bulwark of hope/Pestilence : This one is situational i recommend getting pestilence when against gods who can heal. But if the enemy is a god who cant heal then get Bulwark of hope. Genji's guard can work too i recommend getting that if you're very aggresive.
Winged Blade : Health, 20 % cdr reduction and movement speed and a passive that gives movement speed when slowed. This is a situational item works good on gods who slow you.
Mantle of discord : Protections, cdr and a free out of jail card when you get down to 30%.
Spirit robe : Protections, cdr, 20% cdr reduction and a passive that gives miltigations when hit by a crowd control.
Crusher : Good when you're ahead.
Hide of the nemean lion / Breastplate of valor : Okay so if you builded something like warrior tabis pest winged blade mantle of discord spirit robe you should be looking at 20 cdr. As Tyr you will want to get 40 cdr / max. But at around this time after you finished 5 items and ur in late game. Tyr leans to more of a tank then a warrior he engages fights like before but he doesnt need the cdr as much as before. So its up to you if you want to get the full cdr or go for hide of the nemean lion. Personally i go breastplate if the enemy adc doesnt do a lot of dmg. And i go hide when they do.
Thats about it against magical.
So let's cover his ability order first.
Put a point in your 1 at the start of the game.
(Use 1 on the lane throw a basic attack switch to 3 and auto attack (Auto attack cancel).
Then use your defense 1 back to frontline minions. If you do this right you will deal about half of the hp of all the enemy minions.)
After putting a point to your 1 level up in this order : 2,1,3,4 putting a point in your ult when you hit 5. You don't actually have to put a point in your 3. You have that at the start of the game.
Why level up 2 over 1? The answer is heal. Yes you will deal more damage if you do your combo which is
The diffrence isnt a lot when it comes to damage.
The thing is your 2 heals for so much its a must to level that up because your sustain wil be godly with a blue buff and tyrs defensive 2.
Now lets move over to pros and cons.
Tyr has a strong wave clear.
Tyr has a lot of sustain.
Tyr has a lot of mobilty : red 1 blue 1 ult blink.
Tyr has a strong late game if played right.
Tyr has no poke. He has to full commit if he wants to poke. Basically he has no ranged abilities.
Tyr has a strong late game if played right. WEAK AF IF NOT.
This is what i have for now but ill try to edit this guide so i can give you more tips and tricks on Tyr. I have a ton of **** to say but cba imma go play Tyr now xD.
Username: GXANDRIS
Region: EU
Worshippers: 4800 (5000 if you add other accounts)
Rank: Plat 3 Conq, Plat 1 Joust.
Currently im rank 2 most playtime, wins and kills on Tyr this season.
If you have any advice or want to ask me anything just add me in game.
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