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Ultimate Burst Hou Yi Build - Season 5 - Joust

2 0 25,582
by BarrettSmite updated October 25, 2018

Smite God: Hou Yi

Build Guide Discussion 3 More Guides
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Hou Yi Build


Build Item Charged Morningstar Charged Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Full build

Notes This build requires Good AA(Auto Attack) Aim
This build is tend to "1 Shot" All squishy Gods and do serious Damage to tank Gods


This build requires Good AA(Auto Attack) Aim
This build is tend to "1 Shot" All squishy Gods and do serious Damage to tank Gods

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker

Chapter Title

So This build I have been playing with a lot and I love it. It focus on every damage you do to enemies and potentially "1 shot" them

How it Works:

Ability sequence:
You Mark them with your 2 + 1 Auto Attack (Must Hit)
Divebomb onto him and he will be knocked up and make it easy for you to hit a Auto Attack
Straight after Hit him with Ricochet to stun him and auto attack again

If you have Ultimate use it straight after Stun with ricochet and 1 Auto Attack should finish the Job

Hope You Like it

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Captain Barrett

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Gary169 (7) | October 23, 2018 11:50am
You Mark them with your 2 + 1 Auto Attack (Must Hit)
Divebomb onto him and he will be knocked up and make it easy for you to hit a Auto Attack
Straight after Hit him with Ricochet to stun him and auto attack again

Your title and intro are misleading. By no means, a one shot build.

The Hydra's Lament is a very unique pick up on him. But if you wanted to play with this kind of AA-cancel style, you should just pick an assassin. I'd recommend Susano, Loki, or Awilix.

A majority of your guides seem like they're for conquest. This one certainly will NOT work in conquest. Can you guess a very key item you are missing? Something that gives lifesteal would be the correct answer.

In the item notes, you also mention something about "serious damage to tank gods".
No. Not with this build. You'll need Titan's Bane in your build (since this seems to be an ability based build) to do any "serious damage to tank gods".

This is a very unique build, and I want to see more explanations on item choices (consider including a standard Hou Yi build to improve the reputation of this guide) before I can recommend this guide. You also need to clearly indicate this is NOT a serious build.
BarrettSmite | October 23, 2018 12:00pm
Yea Ik... This is generally for Joust. I need to Add that to the Description sorry. Yea depending on who I play against on conquest. I would run Trans/War boots/jotans/crusher or brawlstick/ then depending on the matchup I will go for titans and bloodforged or if there is a lot of CC i will throw in Magi's Cloak a get rid of crusher or blood.
Gary169 (7) | October 23, 2018 12:11pm
If this is for joust, Hou Yi is typically the ADC. You're missing Qin's Sais on him.

The build you've listed, I wouldn't play it outside of Arena.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BarrettSmite
Ultimate Burst Hou Yi Build - Season 5 - Joust
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