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Ymir is a healthy boy and needs it to compete against some of the lane bullies in the current meta. This start allows you to gain 150 health before the game starts with 15 magical power. This can come as a surprise to your opponents if they want to brawl with you early. Your abilities are not going to do so hot at levels 1-4 so you need to rely on Ymir's passive for your brawling, and trust me the extra health definitely lets you go wild in close quarters. If you take a load of burst damage use 1 health pot and 1 multi, you should be back to full hp in no time.
Do not rush warlocks staff, build boots as soon as you can for the power spike then build Warlocks. In solo you will get more than enough farm to stack Warlocks in a good amount of time and in certain matchups, you will be fragging anyway so do not worry about stacking in the early game.
Contagion doesn't make sense in a lot of matchups in the solo lane but for this build, we are prioritizing health as well as protections. If you happen to be playing into a matchup where contagion's passive is useful then hoorah.
Warlocks staff will give you enough power and pen to carry you throughout the match so the rest of your build will be pure tank. So when it's time to sell boots pick up a spirit robe.
No matter who you are fighting the first 3 items of the build will always come in handy, so no replacements for them. Items 4-6 would need to change if you are facing certain matchups.
AA Warriors are going to be a problem for Ymir if they build manikins, you will not be able to proc your passive that often with it so swapping out Contagion for Witch Blade would be a necessity, With blade has the added benefit of providing health for you so the build will not fall off for the swap.
Bluestone is a perfect 4th item against mages though if you want to frag out more and be less supportive pick stone of binding. Do not be afraid to get into a mage's face, and if they have no movement abilities give em the good ole smack.
Pestilence is the alternative to contagion if you are in a magical fight against a lifesteal heavy mage or guardian. Works well if you are fighting a Cerberus with Bancroft's/vampiric shroud or the standard Hades/Anubis.
If you are fragging out then pick up Urchin as either your 4th or 5th item and will make you an awesome tank coupled with Mantle. The shield that the stacked item provides you is good for soaking up an initial burst.
Nemean is the alternative item to Oni Hunters if you built magical protection early. Its a good item to help dive hunters with your blink 3 2 combo or if you want to show the physical support who is boss. You can also build it if you really want to bully your physical matchup but ideally, you would want to have magical protections by this point because you will be rotating for team fights.
Divine Ruin is just a last-ditch effort to get some anti heal on the enemy team. If no one is killing you by this point and you need it then buy it. But I would not recommend getting it in any other scenario.
In most situations, you do not need your 1 before level 4 so skipping it at level 3 for an extra point in your 2 can have a huge impact on your early game. Max that 2 out while putting some points in your 3 to get disgusting damage on an opponent. Squishies will shriek in terror when you blink on them with a maxed out 2 and assuming their beads are down oh momma that's a free kill.
The only situation where I would upgrade the one is if you are fighting a literal coward and want to mess up their dash to get a kill, it is unlikely so I do not recommend it at all.
Combo your wall with your ult in order to force the enemy to stay in your ult for as long as possible. Getting as much charge on it as you can decide between a kill and your enemy spamming laugh under their tower (Blink and freeze if that happens).
Tap each threat level to view Ymir’s threats
Solo lane has been my home ever since Smite was released and over the years the meta in Solo lane has shifted quite a lot. I skipped season 5 but picked the game back up in late season 6. That was when I discovered the monstrosity that was King Arthur. Arthur from what I had seen was a menace and he only got better in Season 7 when Fineokay posted that god-forsaken build with Gaia.
Despite this, in season 7 I really started to explore off-meta picks for the lane after I got tired of playing Odin, Tyr, and Xing for a majority of my matches. One that stuck out to me the most was Ymir. Ymir was such a fun experience in the solo lane that I decided to make him one of my mains, and he even stood a fair chance against Arthur by freezing him during his abilities and walling off his ult.
Season 8 saw the release of Benevolence and therefore Animosity, and while everyone was going on about how broken Zhong would be with Animosity no one was talking about Ymir. From the start, I knew Animosity would be an awesome Item for Ymir and would really allow him to excel in the later game and boy was I right. Smacking someone for 350 an auto was hilarious, and seeing that the smite community loves to just copy builds they find on the internet I thought I would throw one out myself in hopes of getting people to actually be creative in the solo lane.
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Devs said in the update show that Ymir has the highest correlation of wins when building animosity than any other god. Because he has the highest health pool of any god, his passive doubles his auto attack damage and he has 2 slows to hit those autos with. The dots all connect to make this viable on him, attack speed isn't necessary for viability.
Also as a side note, how do you add the item images to your comments? I've been wanting to do guides but I don't know how to do that.
Thanks for your insights, very interesting.
It's hard to type it without showing it but you type a double open and closed bracket around the word; so [animosity] but with an extra '[ ]' around it. This applies for all items as well as all abilities and god names too.
I used Animosity builds on ADC's and AA based Supports to literally cheese my way up the ranks this season.