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Smite Item: Potion of Power

Smite Item Potion of Power

Item Details

Potion of Power

Cost: 500

This consumable increases your Physical Power by 40, Magical Power by 70, and Penetration by 10 for 5 minutes or until you are killed.

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Technotoad64 (46) | October 18, 2016 7:01am
When would you buy it? By level 10 it seems like you would be too busy getting your build online.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 18, 2016 11:01am
Yeah, for the most part, you're unlikely to buy it at level 10. If you and your team are fed, you go back to base at 15+ and you have 500 left over after getting whatever items you can, you might consider this if you're a hunter or assassin, or like... Erlang Shen or something. I don't know how many people actually buy this though.
xZeroStrike (46) | October 18, 2016 12:00pm
I only buy it when I have full build and have some cash leftover.

Also only purchase it knowing I'll make some use out of it. If I'm certain I'd just die once I go back out I don't buy it since it'd be a waste.
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