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Smite Item: Hunter's Blessing

Smite Item Hunter's Blessing

Item Details

Hunter's Blessing


Cost: 700


+15 Basic Attack Damage
+10 MP5

ROLE QUEST: CARRY - Kill or Assist Lane Minions or Enemy gods to gain stacks. Lane Minions are worth 1 Stack and Enemy gods are worth 5 Stacks. At 75 Stacks Hunter's Blessing Evolves, gaining 15% Attack Speed and an additional 15 Bonus Basic Attack Damage.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | May 1, 2018 2:50pm
Everyone generally knows this is a solid starter item for ADCs. To list the stats in a different way...
  • Before evolving, 15 basic attack damage on a physical ADC is equivalent to 15 power, but only affecting basic attacks. For magical gods, it's equivalent to 75 power, again only affecting basic attacks.

  • Evolved, this value doubles...equivalent to 30 physical power / 150 magical power affecting basic attacks. In addition, it gains 15% attack speed.
For 700 gold, this item is money. And its stats are nice enough that you can keep it all the way until you need to make space for a 6th T3 item.
BestMinionEver (69) | May 1, 2018 9:46pm
Also nice to mention that it works with AOE basic attacks as well.
The Morrigan can abuse this really well for example.
boogiebass (46) | May 1, 2018 3:38pm
Nice explanation!
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