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Smite Item: Phantom Veil

Smite Item Phantom Veil

Item Details

Phantom Veil


Cost: 0


Using this item allows you and allied gods within 35 units to pass through players and player made objects for 5s.

Cooldown - 150s.

- Duration increased to 10s.
- Phantom Veil also provides a 15% Damage Reduction Buff for 5s.

Relics are free, but can be upgraded for 500g. Players unlock their first Relic at level 1, and their second Relic at level 12

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Time2medicate (4) | April 18, 2017 12:07pm
Wow I didn't think that was a real thing but it seems so trivial compared to Odin's circle a wall isnt that big of a deal but the circle is huge
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 18, 2017 12:32pm
It's absolutely a big deal if Ice Wall is at level 5 (6 seconds of big wall) and you're playing Conquest in the Jungle, getting chased by not only Ymir but his friends as well. Popping this gets you through it, and maybe the wall backfires on his team, preventing them from chasing.

There are certain choke points in other maps too...the side path and paths to the Bull Demon King can be fully blocked. It can absolutely be a lifesaver.
Time2medicate (4) | April 18, 2017 5:49pm
I use it to block off the way in on joust on the red buff and hull demon to give my team a few extra seconds to get in damage
Time2medicate (4) | April 17, 2017 1:44pm
Can you someone confirm or deny that you can use this on ymirs wall?
Bernardozomer (33) | April 17, 2017 2:18pm
Can confirm.²
Technotoad64 (46) | April 17, 2017 2:06pm
Can confirm.
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