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Smite Item: Achilles' Spear

Smite Item Achilles' Spear

Item Details

Achilles' Spear


Cost: 600


ACTIVE - Upon activation gain +30% attack speed, and +35% Lifesteal, and +30% Movement Speed for 5s. You take +30% additional damage from enemy gods while this effect is active.

Cooldown: 30s

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Scarz99 (3) | August 31, 2015 9:22pm
I normally don't use it but I just started playing Nemesis and find it can be very useful on her. What I do is when I get to low health I use it and Retribution at the same time. This actually makes the 30% increased damage taken an advantage because I heal for more. That and the lifesteal factor allows me to reach almost full health by the time the effects end.

Another thing I noticed is that this item will normally get you a further distance than normal Greater Sprint. The cooldown is literally half of Greater Sprint so over the course of the game it will bring you much further.
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