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Smite Skill: Basic Attack

Bellona Skill Basic Attack

Bellona Skill Basic Attack Bellona Skill Basic Attack Bellona Skill Basic Attack Bellona Skill Basic Attack Bellona Skill Basic Attack

Basic Attack

Key Bind: Basic

Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
  • You have 4 different weapons to attack with, depending on the most recent ability used.
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence + 100% Basic Attack Power
Scourge Heal Per Hit: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Scourge Heal Scaling Per Hit: 7% Physical Protection
Range: 1.92m
Scourge Range: 2.56m
Cone Angle: 120 degrees

Additional Notes:
  • If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
  • Bellona remains in her current basic attacks. until she goes 7 seconds without dealing or taking damage.
  • Greatsword has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 1, 1.5x damage and swing time, with no special effects.
  • Sword and Shield has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 0.5, 1, 1x damage and swing time and provides 1 block stack every enemy god hit. Max 3 Stacks.
  • Hammer has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1.5, 1, 1.5x damage and 1.5, 1, 1.25x swing time. Hits all enemies in range of each attack.
  • Scourge has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 0.5, 1x damage and swing time and heals you on every successful hit.
Skill Discussion

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