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Smite Skill: Hovering Death

Thanatos Skill Hovering Death

Thanatos Skill Hovering Death Thanatos Skill Hovering Death Thanatos Skill Hovering Death Thanatos Skill Hovering Death

Hovering Death

Key Bind: 4

Thanatos flaps his wings and ascends for 5s, unable to be hit. While airborne, he moves unimpeded at an increased speed before diving to his target location, dealing damage. Enemies below a Health threshold are instantly killed. All others are Stunned. Consumes 8% of Thanatos' current HP when used.

Ability Type: Circle, Stun, Damage
Damage: 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 / 250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Kill Health Threshold: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40%
Stun Duration: 1.5s
Bonus Move Speed: 150%
Radius: 15
Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Cooldown: 90s
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Mekali (17) | June 5, 2014 2:49am
Raventhor wrote:

Did you really create an account named it to comment this?
Anyway, it can be easily countered by a lot of things. Meditation Rank 3's missing 30% health restore will save you if you're at 14.5% health or higher (will put you at above 40%), Aegis counters it, Sprint will make it practically impossbile to land, and blink/combat blink will get you simply out of range. It's very very very hard to land, and can easily be used to trap thanatos for at best a 1 for 1 (results in him dying). The Post Hit Delay is still very high on this ability, and Ao Kuang can literally fire his ult off before thanatos can avoid it. Finally, since the nerf, it's a horrible escape mechanic, and it's his only one. He'll die before he does anything, meaning if he's losing a fight, he is dead.

I agree, his ult is not that OP but the coolest ult i've ever seen. I've been playing since Kumbhakarna release, Thanatos was the first god i've been playing since i started playing smite since he was available on free god rotation when Kumbhakarna released. He is very hard to use but i think not that very hard, the hard part is he is so SQUISHY, so when he's health bar turned YELLOW it's just time to retreat.
Raventhor (158) | February 21, 2014 8:59am
Did you really create an account named it to comment this?
Anyway, it can be easily countered by a lot of things. Meditation Rank 3's missing 30% health restore will save you if you're at 14.5% health or higher (will put you at above 40%), Aegis counters it, Sprint will make it practically impossbile to land, and blink/combat blink will get you simply out of range. It's very very very hard to land, and can easily be used to trap thanatos for at best a 1 for 1 (results in him dying). The Post Hit Delay is still very high on this ability, and Ao Kuang can literally fire his ult off before thanatos can avoid it. Finally, since the nerf, it's a horrible escape mechanic, and it's his only one. He'll die before he does anything, meaning if he's losing a fight, he is dead.
hovering death (1) | February 21, 2014 6:30am
this ult is OP!
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