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Smite Skill: Nature's Bounty

Sylvanus Skill Nature's Bounty

Sylvanus Skill Nature's Bounty Sylvanus Skill Nature's Bounty Sylvanus Skill Nature's Bounty Sylvanus Skill Nature's Bounty

Nature's Bounty

Key Bind: Passive

When Sylvanus’ abilities hit or are deployed a seed pod appears. When Sylvanus picks up this seed pod he restores 2.5% of his Mana as well as lowers his cooldowns by 0.5s. At level 15 this Cooldown Reduction is increased to 1s.

Ability Type: Buff
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TheGreatWound (1) | November 27, 2016 4:51pm
People really don't seem to understand how good this passive is. I find it to be one of the most reliable passives as a support. It give access to CC even if you're out of mana and not even hardly paying attention to your enemy. For example, any time an ally of mine needs to escape I'll have them start running, then if anyone gives chase I can just body block until the passive triggers and go about my business with the enemy safely rooted as my ally makes their escape. I don't need to use any mana and I don't have to bother with half of the annoying chase time. Even if the enemy does continue to pursue, leaping towards my ally, I can follow up with verdant growth or natures grasp to ensure my ally escapes. Overall, it just saves so much time and energy.
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