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Smite Skill: Suntouched

Hou Yi Skill Suntouched

Hou Yi Skill Suntouched Hou Yi Skill Suntouched Hou Yi Skill Suntouched Hou Yi Skill Suntouched


Key Bind: Passive

After taking a critical hit, Hou Yi can't be critically hit again for 3s. When this Passive activates, Hou Yi's cooldowns are reduced by 2s.

Ability Type: Buff
Skill Discussion

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overld1 (18) | December 1, 2016 12:46pm
This passive was meant for that allows to box others Hunters and Assassins. So if you build crit on Hou Yi and the other person lands a crit on you could pull off more Crits than him if you build attackspeed. This what makes Hou Yi a anti hunter while being a hunter at the same time. Is just how you build and the enemy hunter/Assassin build. There are other passive that are more useless than this.
overld1 (18) | December 1, 2016 12:49pm
Sometimes this passive could be useless if no one doesn't build crit. But if someone does after one crit they have to wait 3 or more basics to pull off another crit on you.
TheGreatWound (1) | December 1, 2016 12:36pm
How do you get the most out of this passive. Like, really if someone crits you while playing hou yi you'd normally get out of there. It just doesn't seem like a good passive
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