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Smite Skill: Training Arc

Hua Mulan Skill Training Arc

Hua Mulan Skill Training Arc Hua Mulan Skill Training Arc Hua Mulan Skill Training Arc Hua Mulan Skill Training Arc

Training Arc

Key Bind: Passive

Utilize your Sword, Spear, and Bow with your abilities to gain Skill towards them by damaging enemies. Your expertise in each weapon enhances their respective abilities.

Additionally, gain two unique benefits:
  • Training Arc reduces the cooldown of your next non-ultimate ability.
  • Training Grounds, a consumable which provides team-wide utility.
Cooldown Reduction: -2s
Training Grounds: 5% Bonus XP + up to 20% Movement Speed
Training Arc Cooldown: 10
Training Grounds Cooldown: 180
Skill Discussion

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