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Smite Skill: Wing Gust

Eset Skill Wing Gust

Eset Skill Wing Gust Eset Skill Wing Gust Eset Skill Wing Gust Eset Skill Wing Gust

Wing Gust

Key Bind: 1

Eset flaps her wings, gaining increased movement speed with no backpedal penalty, and sending forth 4 wing gusts in a line, each dealing Magical Damage to all targets in their path. Eset is immune to Root and Knockback effects while casting.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 35 / 55 / 75 / 95 / 115 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Maximum Damage: 140 / 220 / 300 / 380 / 460 (+180% of your Magical Power)
Gusts Spawned: 4
Movement Speed: 25%
Firing Duration: 3s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 10s
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Technotoad64 (46) | July 23, 2016 5:55pm
DucksRock wrote:
no Eset buffs plea, im so done laning against Soul Stone purple pot start Eset ;(

Now, they have removed that start. What do you say now?
DucksRock (41) | July 23, 2016 7:25pm
Eset will still need a nerf. so will Scylla, Janus and other mid top picks. it dosent matter, she is just too powerful. she is single handedly keeping utility gods away from the meta, and its not just her. it's also Raijin, Janus and other mid top picks.
Devampi (105) | May 29, 2016 2:18pm
I'm just going to put this reply here as damn it's annoying to see such long reply chains.

However like zilby said match ups don't always say anything as certain gods are countered by others. So if x god is a top pick the counter for it also is a top pick.

Amount of kills doesn't really say anything at all neither do wins. Amount of games is a different thing. Sometimes you see an mastery X god and a really bad player. This is why masteries dont say a lot. the only thing you can say is that they have experience and probably know a lot of match ups etc.

On the buffing nerfing part. the best thing is to nerf the best god and buff the weak god, however instead of a "full" nerf/buff you give them a "half" one as thsi way the balance shouldn't shift to much.
Still in most cases the makers of a MOBA use buffs and nerfs to dictate the picks or flow of the game. sometimes they nerf something which destroys a certain play style and makes another better. This brings a bit of variance in the game.

Also the only thing being different from PC and console is the patch. So if someone mentions item x being buffed last patch you know it still isn't viable as on your platform it's not buffed yet. That's the only thing that makes console and pc different. And maybe the required amount of skill to be considered good (as on consoles most players that havent played pc are new and dont have the amount of skill/experience that pc players have, especially since the genre is considered new for consoles)
Technotoad64 (46) | May 27, 2016 9:04am
I wish this made you immune to slows.
DucksRock (41) | May 27, 2016 9:14am
no Eset buffs plea, im so done laning against Soul Stone purple pot start Eset ;(
Technotoad64 (46) | May 27, 2016 9:18am
Well, it could be traded for something else, like maybe it makes you immune to slows, but not knockups.
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