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Kalafalafakah's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (3)
JOINED: January 17, 2014
LAST SEEN: August 29, 2015
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Kalafalafakah's Bio

Hi there! My ign on smite is the same as here, Kalafalafakah. If you want to play just add me. I'm on pretty much all the time. Also I understand my ign is long and odd so you can simply use kala when you talk to me if that suits you.

I mainly play support or tanky/ bruiser classes and for some reason I just generally can't seem to get the hang of assassins. My best gods are probably Ymir, and Sun Wukong. I main joust 3v3 and assault and it's appaling how little conquest I have played given how much I have played the game in general.

If you actually give a flying **** or two about what I do outside of smite. Well I go to a highschool/college hybrid kinda thing and do **** tons of school work. I also play a bit of xbox, watch some shows (anime and comedies generally), and try to work in some sleep every know and again.

If you actually want to add me on Xbox my gt is Scourge 0f Xbox. I play Gears of War (the first one), Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Titanfall, GTA V, Call of Duty 4, Armored Core 4, Tenchu Z (if anyone actually has this I will play the **** out of it with you), and a few other games.

So yeah... thats pretty much it.

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