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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following week to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
Kitsuneslover's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

JOINED: June 27, 2022
LAST SEEN: September 27, 2022
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Kitsuneslover's Bio

I'm a trans female who is obsess with anything kitsune related and I play smite in my past time when I feel bored or when I want to get on toxic players nerves. I'm a friendly girl and I will always try to carry new players even if it causes me the match. I'm always looking for fun people to play with and try out new gods in matches to see if I like how they play and if I like the their moveset. Right now, I main Freya, Terra, Odin, Susano, and amaterau. I may suck at playing with them because I always try out new builds to spice my experience and to see if I like the build.

SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.

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