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PseudoOlale's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (2)
JOINED: September 28, 2012
LAST SEEN: November 30, 2012
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PseudoOlale's Bio

My name is PseudoOlale and I am a slightly average to above average MOBA gamer.I have played an intense amount of DotA before, over 2 years or so and this game has caught my eye by a way.It is extremely fun and I enjoy playing it.What I hate about this game is that there are so many OP items.Yes I know It's still in beta but I can't wait for the game to spread it's wings and soar as a new genre of MOBA games.

I live in Malaysia, UTC+8:00 Kuala Lumpur,Singapore,Perth.So for most of the American players, if you want to joust with me, I see a problem in the time zone difference.For the Australian players however, come at me bro!

There's not really much to say about me.I just like to play tonnes of games that are mainly MMORPG based or a Mix you know? By mix I mean games like Borderlands, FPS + .MMORPG feelin' to it

I think it's time to stop typing before I make an 8 page essay about myself and what I do / when I eat, sleep and poop.Thanks for reading my Bio.

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