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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
SacredElite's Profile
Guides: 1     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (2)
JOINED: June 20, 2013
LAST SEEN: July 19, 2013
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SacredElite's Bio

My IGN is SacredElite, if you want to game with me feel free to add.
I'm a EU player, but I play internationally.

I enjoy contributing information and help to the community, if you need any PM me. My favourite god is Bacchus for now. I played Smite from the start only I quit it in the closed beta, and returned when everything changed and my account got lost :I. Now I'm rebuilding my superiority.

I am not yet into clans and comptetive, though when I become as good as I was before. I will be starting a clan, if you have interests for it in the future. Let me know ^^ .

Goodluck & have fun out there!

And watch out for Ares, he's pretty annoying.

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