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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following week to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆
Xyte's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0

REPUTATION: Notable (1)
JOINED: April 03, 2023
LAST SEEN: November 18, 2023
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Xyte's Bio

Hello, I go by the alias Xyte, as you can probably tell. I've spent the past decade working in the Esports and Gaming industry, across various roles including but not limited to; Director, Esports Director, Community Manager and General Manager.

Within SMITE, my most notable position would be General Manager for dCypher eSports which then became Dolce Vita.

dCypher eSports placed 1st at the SPL Season 2 EU Fall Challenger event, however after winning this, the team decided to move past dCypher to form Dolce Vita.

Skip quite a few years, I've recently retired from being the Director at Revenge, after realising as an amateur Esports brand it's very hard to break even or make profit.
Published Guides - Smite 1
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