January 25, 2015

bye bye and thank you

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well let's just get this done and not drag it out.

before i start the 3 section of this blog i'd like to get a few things out of the way about some of the comments on the last blog. first of thank you for the birthday wishes, but the few comments i'd like to react to are mowens, nex, devampi's and... ofcourse janitsu's.

Mowen in that riffing the from a scale of dummy to ************** i wont go above calling people idiots or fanboys. i understand you'd rather not have any insults but considering what they have accused me of and called me i think can allow my self a little bit of insulting and it's not like im going to say they should all kill them selves (im very strongly against suicide). im also in a kind of "has nothing to lose by doing this" situation considering im leaving and not comming back but what you said did change my mind a bit, i will keep the insults to 2 a person of the 3 people im doing that part about instead of giving each like 8. that part will also be reletivly short sort.

nex, like i said i did consider just making an extremely extravagant mocking thread with bells and whisle's but like Ryan said that would be leaving on a bad note and i dont want that, i want the thank you part of it to be the main focus and im going to do my damdest to keep it that way.

vampi i actually have no idea if im going to HF. currently im kind of burned out on internet forums. maybe after a few months if mowen allows it ofcourse.

janitsu you will be the second person i apolgise to...
thank you from the bottom of my heart
my time in smitefire has been on that has helped me in so many different ways. i have met people who i know consider my best friends. i feel like my time here has helped me grow as a person, i looked back at some of my earliest posts and i got to say i used to be really dumb, there were spelling and grammar mistakes in there i'd never had seen if it wasn't for my time here and people pointing out what i wrote wrong and how, i would still be arguing using arguements that were 80% fallacies and basicly eating glue so stupid did those comments look.
(btw i am doing these in a completely random order)
thank you.

@mowen, im like 90% sure you're and A.I. put here to make us think that there is some sort of autority that keeps order. well its working pretty good i'd say considering how some of the opinions clash on this forum, its a miracle that this site hasn't gone up in flames XD. also thank you for making my name orange, green looked too bright, blue looked too limiting and yellow was just kind of blegh. thank you for having this site.

@madDanny, thank you for being the greatest troll that the internet doesn't even know off XD i dont know how you do it but every time you commented on something I immidatly began to question what double meaning or misdirection it had. everything that comes out of your key board is gold. you are one of the nicest trolls i have ever met, please never change. thank you for being hilarious.

@Subzero008, oh boy did this turn a little insane didn't it sub? we started out hating eachothers guts, then we did an rp thread where you realisticly did help me not end with a gary stew character and after that we buried the hatchat. at that point we still didn't know we so much incommon. we play the same games, we both slowely turned away from smite at almost the same time along with some other people and we both got insulted by the same people XD.
i consider you one of my best friends and i absolutly consider you my pokemon rival, but i will be the very best. thank you for being an awesome friend and a great rival.

@Ryan. can't more smite players be like you? not blind, stupid fanboys?
that stuff aside i really do hope we get to play some more league together at some point and i hope i can force you into the ways of the heroes in storm... but in all seriousness you are a nice guy of who i wish there were more. thank you for being a gem in a bucket of coal

@Sunfall. oh yeah im including people that have long since left. you were one of the first few people who actually managed to change my mind on one of smites major changes. it was about bumba's mask and while you probebly don't remember it, it has left me with a love/hate relationship for jungling that currently spans a total of 5 moba's... so thank you for giving me confusion XD. but in all seriousness you were right that how much smite changed just to implemant jungling and how less insteresting the game became by them doing that. thank you for getting through my thick skull.

@dj, i mean dork jow, i mean ghwilliam, i mean dark jaw. you know for someone who rages at everyone and everything in games you are a really nice guy, i feel that if there is anyone i can just easely just talk to it's you. you a great guy to play games with because of your hilarious raging at bad children and one of the most pleasant people i have ever met to talk to about basicly anything. thank you for being you.

@dingus, i mean dingus, sorry i mean dingus. pandr. your the guy who gets basicly everyone into a new game every week without us wanting it XD but we go along with it anyways and i got to say you have a damm good taste for games... most of the time :P. you just like dj, i feel are a friend i can just very easely talk with about basicly any topic which is a very nice thing to just do sometimes. thank you for getting me into games i didn't want to get into XD.

@geno. nhttps://www.smitefire.com/smite/forum/off-topic/say-something-nice-10378?page=4#comment-81801 . i would be lying to my self if i didn't say that i don't look back at just playing pokemon over skype with you as a fond memory. what you did is something that i might not be able to forgive you for. what you did to some one was something i had to go through day in day out for almost half my life... but while i might not be able to forgive you for it, we might still be able to just play pokemon again. in time maybe even over skype if you'd want that ofcourse. thank you for playing pokemon with me.

@zane (swampmist). through you i got into that giant skype group trying to make a moba. maybe a little silly and ambitious (and impossible) for a project but it did cause me to meet a lot of awesome people like snub and banana and get more into contact with dj and pandr. you and i still need to play more hots and i am going to need to show you that i can do viper things.
thank you for introducing me to great people.

@vampi. from this day forward you will be smitefire's token dutch guy XD its not an easy mantle to hold, but it most be done for the protection of the universe! jk. in all seriousness. there are a lot of people in my own country that i hate and hope go to hell, you're part of the group who go to the opposite place of hell. your a great friend who should really buy hots and play League with me more. MOAR. thank you for being a great dutch guy

@john. just john. (buddah). i will probebly never end up writting your name like it's spelled constistantly. i swear i don't do that on purpose. I just want to ask you if you are sure you aren't like 45 and not 15? your voice is deeper then 30 year olds i know, you are one of the wisest people i have ever met so it's just kind of... HOW ARE YOU 15?! you are an awesome guy who should try and throw his sleep scedule around so we can play games with you XD.
thank you for being so wise and having such an awesome voice.

@pikachu. just like buddha(i told you i will never do it consistanly), dj and pandr you are one of the wisest and nicest people i have ever met and the fact that i get to call you pikachu is just awesome. i really hope i'll be able to play games with you again soon.
thank you for being a great guy and having an awesome name.

@jesse (jararo natsu). talking with you about some of my IRL problems was really nice to be able to do. just being able to talk about it usually helps me and the fact that you were willing to listen to it is something that i don't think i can thank you enough for already, but the fact that you did more then listening and understood it and gave me advise on the situations makes thanking you enough almost impossible.
thank you for listening, understanding and the advise, i can't thank you enough.

@hirez. yeah i guess i do owe them a thank you. you see their name later down the line though.
you made the first moba i have ever played. with out smite i don't think my life would be remotely the same. through you i could get into better moba's and met great people, looking back at the first year that i played your game while i still considerd it one of the greatest games of all time i realise that i see those as fond memories eventhough i hate your current game.

the apology.
the second one is for janitsu but first i need to apolise for something i said to Pentargonite in a surten thread that i should never have said or even brought up.

@pentar. i don't hate you or have any negetive emotions against you. that makes the fact that i brought the subject of how you were selected for editor in this (
https://www.smitefire.com/smite/forum/general-discussion/smite-what-do-you-expect-for-free-10362?page=3#comments ) just for a petty grudge of being annoyed by you all the more stomach twisting to me, im sorry i brought something like this up for no other reason then to try and hurt you. that was wrong of me and i should have apolgised a lot earlier.


like i said this riffing part will be pretty sort. there is 1 person that im not really riffing as more of clearing something up. 1 person i will actually be mean spirited to and 3 will make more of a normal riff to.

@zanestorm. i'd like to just give you some advise for your arguments. when we were arguing about smites character design and the armor design you said its because they want to be fashionable. because of how i argue i don't tend to explain this to people when im arguing with them but you used a fallacy. fallacies is using groundless theories, peronsal attacks or making far fetched accusations as arguments. you used the groundless theory fallacy. i just wanted to point that out because it was still just rubbing me the wrong way. while i heavely disagree with you i dont hold any disrespect towards you.

@dacoqrs you however i absolutely hold disrespect to. your an idiotic, blind fanboy who has no idea how to argue. now we got the 2 insults a person out of the way let's continue. i do not care what people who i have no respect towards say or think about me, i don't care for what is specs of dust to me. but for the sake of humoring you im going to explain what a critique is. currenlty i would be a hater. before my last blog all i was was a critique. i mentioned both good and bad things about smite. smite had more bad things and it is easier to critique bad things as the good of smite was more stuff like *they were orginal for once* which is the stuff game designers should be all the time, critique's more often then not don't pay a lot of attention of just doing your job.

@a peice of bread. blind idiotic fanboy. insults out of the way. when i, in that pm, said smite was going down the drain your first response was to type in caps that it was not going down the drain, not a calm collective disagreeïng respons but a fanboy response. a blind one at that. your the most stereotypical new person i have ever met, you accuse an editor of feeling superior with out knowing who he is or what he actually thinks, you lie, you accuse others, insult others and with your last blog you tried to blackmail others. seriously the first thing you said was that it wasn't to blackmail people. who would get to that conclusion unless it was written down in front of them? as for your blog, i saw it as a petty way of trying to get at me and a tampertantrum. bravo you pulled an arka.

@hirez your game is bad and you should feel bad. smite is a **** stain on the moba genre that can only be salvaged if given to a different developer who has to rework all the items and all the gods from kits to character designs. you have made some of the most insulting things i have seen come from a video game company, from putting a pimp into your game to insulting all gamers as a whole, are you taking lessons from seth macfarlin or something? the guy who people wish was on a plane heading to new york in 2001... that guy? because you are well on your way.

(this one might be a little longer)
@ferrumslash. out of all these people. you were the one who did the worst. you dont want you to die. i just want you to burn in hell whenever you do actually lay 2 meters under. when i made this ( https://www.smitefire.com/smite/blog/all4games/i-just-needed-to-get-some-stuff-off-of-my-chest ) blog i was fully aware that at some point there would be people trying to use it against me. you were one of 2. the other person made a bad guide and asked people to fight him... then got hated off of SF. in that pm thing i said i was not going to digefy it with a response. you made a pm to me apolgising for it. then not even 24 hours later you insulted me for how i reacted to it. i think you either don't know what morality is or dont ****ing care what it is.
but for the sake of last blog and humor i'll tell you how ****ing stupidly wrong you were.

you tried to use multiple pieces of info out of that blog to try and proof i have a huge ego.
one perticular part i'll talk about was that you used the part of "i find it easier to talk to adults then with my own peers). all the sections you used were like this and i can debunk them all with the same way. "this was the confirmation i got from the other person", the person i was talking to ASKED ME if i thought it was easier for me to talk with them then my peers. i said yes. same with all the others.

ferrum you are the kind of person that keep me believing in heaven and hell. because god i hope you go to hell.
as i asked in my last blog, i stress to not turn this blogs comment section into a flame war, that would just be sad.

if you weren't mentioned in the thank you note its not because i have anything against you, i just didn't have enough of an opinion to talk about you.
that was it.

im done. adios, goodbye, hastalavista, tot ziens.

see you all when you are either gigantic,a hero, a legend, a defender of ancients or the greatest of all... a shaper.

smitefire alloy, deploy.