October 28, 2012
Just Played 2 (Possibly 3) Pro Teams and...
Views: 2447
Amazing Monkey
Ok, I was playing with a couple friends, and I have this awful player from China that wanted to join us. He's very new to Smite and I know him in person, so I didn't want to be a **** and say no. Then we invited randoms from lfg and they were terrible! (not to mention none of the randoms had no way to communicate, uggggh)
So we stuck Anson (Chinese guy) with
Ymir and he laned with
Arachne. They didn't do too bad, but they weren't pulling through. And then my other friend and I were both using Gods that were weren't all too great with. Not bad, but not amazing, ya know? Well, we got raped because it! It didn't help that I was just having a bad day for games...
UUUUGGGGH! And they were streamed! QQ
Sad day =(
But of all days I get streamed against pro teams! I totally could have done better, maybe even won! It's just so...ARRGGGHH!!!! lol
Happens though. I probably won't run 5's again until I find two more team mates that aren't level 10, fresh new to the game.
Feel free to hit me up for 5s - Lvl 30 with around 800 games played :)
IGN: Avador
- Avador
Happens though. I probably won't run 5's again until I find two more team mates that aren't level 10, fresh new to the game.