April 06, 2013

W00T: Shoutnation & this weekends tournies

Views: 2133 Animusliberus
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SSL  |  monthly  |  shoutnation  |  tournaments  | 
hye guys, whatcha been up to?

I'm back from my trip to berlin (no more reading and posting stuff from my phone :D )
and back in action from behind my good ol' desk.

This weekend for me starts off with casting a monthly tournament and possibly some other games if shoutnation asks me ( yay i'm now a part of shoutnation, former smitenation)

also I'm helping with getting the SSL (smite star league) up and running. I'm most likely going to cast those as well :D (or so I hope ^^)

be sure to check out those games and tournaments

GG people.

- AL