June 06, 2014

Sadness. Sadness fills me.

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So...today is a sad day.

I got banned from SMITE for 71 hours for "match griefing" as the put it. Sure, sure it's only three days blah blah blah but that's not why I'm upset.

I literally spent the entire night up playing SMITE League and trying to get out of bronze division. I rage quit...3 or 4 times and raged at ONE Artemis out of the entire thing. I go all the way from Bronze 5 to Bronze 3 in a matter of one night (a harder task than you think) and I'm just about to continue on to play another match and BAM. I'm banned. I'm sleep deprived, dizzy, aching, and pretty sure I've had over 900 transparent seizures. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I guess I'ma go...take a nap.