March 21, 2014

The last comes Balrog!

Views: 10688 arka222
What happened?

i posted the "top 5 best play smite video #41" on my off topic thread check mate. U can check the video from my signature. Its a must watch for wukong and ra!! brilliance. Hifrombudhha deleted the post as well as locked the thread.

- I had no issues if hifrombuddha deleted that post and told me to post it on a new thread.
- I never had issues at all if that thread was removed in the first place.
- Check Mate is not just related to chess but its like sayin "check this mate"
- Everything got resolved and was calm with the thread at the point when it was locked.
- I strongly disliked the manner in which Buddha used his authority.
- I like cricket, football, movies, FPS and strategy games, puzzles, politics, etc so should I discuss all of them by making separate threads. Anime Discussion thread has amused me a lot every time I see it I say oh god not again what a ****. ( Though I like animes, it has no relevance with smite). and who is most prolific there hifrombuddha!

After a good bye from forums on smitefire, here's a good bye from blogs. I don't want to be heroic on farewell or preachy at all. Just wanna say thank you to all you guys even 'hifrombuddha' and most thankful to 'subzero008'. May be our interaction regarding this website , smite the game and hirez Kelly! continues.

Note: I have deleted all my blogs as well as the contents of my Vulcan guide 'forge of grit'. There are 621 posts so its hard to delete them may be an admin or moderator can.

EDIT: After mowen's intervention through PM, I asked the thread to be renamed from "check mate" to "All Arka Rubbish" and, hence, unlocked.

UPDATE: I offered HIfrombuddha following to resolve the issue but he declined all 3.

- As the thread name cannot be changed (havn't got mowen's word on this), unlock my thread with dignity.

- I agree my thread became irrelevant mix of posts bcz of my mistake and would try to avoid that in future.

- U must communicate politely via PM or anything before locking somebody's thread again.

Update2: Some kind of agreement is possible.