July 31, 2017

Ranked adventures

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So I guess my ranked adventures has come to an end for this split.
It has actually been fun to play a bit serious for once.
Compared to last season where I only played ranked when I was to drunk or lit for any of my friends to be willing to play casuals with me anymore:
I managed to climb my way out of silver 2 and up to gold 1, wanted to try and get to plat. But it is to late for me now (almost 5am) and I got work tomorrow.

So hopefully I won't get placed in silver 2 this split, and maybe I will manage to go 10/0 this time?
I guess I am happy with my split, but it can always be better of course. So I am looking forward to hopefully get some better games going in the next split.

Think I have some games recorded that I will have a look at and maybe upload in the future.

So yeah, good luck in the fall split everyone!