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BestMinionEver's Blog
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July 02, 2020

I'm back

Views: 2479 BestMinionEver
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So I'm finally back playing smite for the first time in for ever and actually having fun with it.

Nice to see that a lot of the ppl from way back is here still.

Will probably stream from time to time and upload some videos of my adventures from silver to where ever I end up before I get tired of Smite again.

But think I will be playing for a while, not as much as before for aure. Got other games to play as well!

Who knows I might even update my old Ne Zha guide or just take it out back and put it out of it's misery..

Also who wants to 1v1?


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March 25, 2018


Views: 1740 BestMinionEver
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Conquest  |  Marki  |  Ranked

The road out of Gold 2

I started pretty good is gold 2 (without knowing I was in gold 2) I won my first 5 games, which I did a little write-up on in my previous post. After my good start I had some pretty terrible games to be honest. I did learn that I'm not useless in solo during gold 2 so that was nice.

The first game was just horrendous I was playing Thor and was just getting completely destroyed. The enemy Ullrand Mercury got super fed and I tried my best to just ult him on CD and try and set up for my team, but we had no damage and lost it hard. It could have been winnable if my adc and mid also built some physical protection I think. But we lost.

Then I had a pretty bad Sylvanus game, we got some good pressure in lane early. But after invading purple we got double killed by Izanami and after that she was able to just run through the game and we lost. My Neith had a pretty bad build as well IMO so that did not help us.

To finish off the losing spree I had to play mid (…
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March 16, 2018


Views: 2347 BestMinionEver
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Conquest  |  Marki  |  Ranked

The road out of Gold 3

Had to play a ton of games to promote out of Gold 3 and I cant really remember the first 10 ish games. But looking at Smite guru I can definitely say that I had a prette ruff time. Thankfully I managed to get out of the bad track and start playing better again.

Started with losing two support games, in both games the enemy jungler was just way better than our jungle unfortunately. Then I won two support games, this time we had the better jungler. Then lost another support game and a jungle game (I played like **** whith Hun Batz), and the support game everyone just lost super hard. Then I won a Nemesis game finally figured out that AA build was better than ability based. After that I lost another Hun Batz game, RIP my Hun Batz stats :(
Losing so many Hun Batz games got me down so I needed to play something fun. So i started with a Kali game and it went pretty good ended up with 10-3-2, and my Guan Yu did insane damage. It was an easy win.
Went on to pla…
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March 08, 2018

Ranked progression [season 5] v01

Views: 2115 BestMinionEver
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Conquest  |  Marki  |  Ranked
So I'm boarding the ranked-post train with Bran and Wayne. I'm thinking I'll try and make it a weekly post, every monday or sunday. Just updating my over all progression, because I play most of my games during the weekend. And also make some post on some of the games I play during the week, played one game this week.

Qualifier games

So my qualifier games went terrible lost my first 6 games. I can not remember every game atm but this is how it went to the best of my recollection and with the help of Smite guru:

Game 1: I played support and I trusted in my team enough to play Athena, we had a Thanatos solo "I will carry this easy" -hidden profile player pro. He lost his lane pretty hard, but the main problem was our Mercury who just got manhandled by the enemy Nemesis. I was not able to do much, every time I tried to set up something we either did not have enough damage to kill or Nemesis would just ult me. So all in all just a one man stomp game.

Game 2: I played support ag…
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February 25, 2018

Mastering new gods

Views: 4087 BestMinionEver
So I have been wanteng to learn how to play a few new gods for a while now. And when I mean learn to play I mean really learn how to play the well.

The assassins I want to learn:

Da Ji

The supports I want to learn:


So what gods do you think I should go for first and wby?

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