January 10, 2017

Bran's PS4 Adventures (Part I dunno?)

Views: 3786 Branmuffin17
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So, things have been going well so far in my PS4 adventures. I use the term "well" loosely, because other than playing some gods I don't normally play, I don't think I'm honing my skills much.

Stepping a bit outside my normal comfort zone of only queuing Conq with friends, I played 3 conquest games in a row last night (after getting off of PC Smite cuz Zilby had to sleep). Played the first as Sol in Mid. I did fine, played pretty intelligently (looking to win lane, rotate when opportunity knocks, etc.), but our team was hard-carried by Apollo (countered by our Serqet, who I don't think really did ANYthing). Geesh. That said, the game really shouldn't have gone on that long...but every time we'd wipe the team, I'd try heading over to the Fire Giant but damn if that PS4 VGS system is not familiar to me...people seriously ignore the GF and FG, and no one ever even attempted it. So it took us an absurdly long time to finish, and at one point got somewhat close to losing. Just couldn't get everyone to congregate and push together.

By the way, figured out how to call to attack FG...and just found this as well: http://imgur.com/a/4rrMH

I called Carry for the 2nd game, and decided I'd go with Sol again, because why not? She's a solid god, she's fun to play, and I need to get better with her (okay, that's most gods). Figured I'd build her more as an ADC this time and have fun with it.

Welp, found myself in lane with Izanami. *sigh* There went my farm. Other than 1 death when 4 of the enemy team decided to jump my lane, everything went well. At least the game ended pretty quickly (18 minute enemy surrender). But see, it's stuff like this that makes this really about going through the motions, rather than working on getting better.

In my last game, I called Carry again and chose Medusa (but didn't lock). Thank goodness, because I then saw what turned out to be a 2 man party choose and auto-lock Ares and Artemis. So awesome. Sure, Art did good damage against a pretty awful enemy team...but they went SOLO LANE, leaving Bacchus (why?) in the Duo lane. So I found myself going Jungle and helping on that side more often than not...by the way, does no one ever go through the normal starting process? I found myself alone in every match looking to clear the camps and get the buffs...clearing Speed by yourself is no fun, let me tell you...one good Health Potion got me back up to speed, but boy was I behind.

I have to say, Ratatoskr is pretty fun...other than a couple random Assault rolls on PC, I haven't played him at all. Earlier in the day, I had consulted with GameGeekFan, and also checked out SorenNoKitsune's guide briefly, so I guess I was leaning in that direction anyway.

The game went on for 42 minutes (again, everyone just wouldn't get together to push), so I had plenty of time to get a feel for him, and get comfortable with his combos and whatnot. This was my build...and yes, if you read through it, shows how stupid I am:
  • Acorn of Yggdrasil (okay, I didn't follow the cardinal rule...had to back to heal up a few times, and because I had $$$, figured I'd work on Breastplate of Valor, and just max Acorn while I was out...but kept getting too hurt and having to back early, so my plan didn't work out too well. I now better understand maxing Acorn before even starting on anything else, I promise)
  • Breastplate of Valor
  • Jotunn's Wrath
  • The Crusher (I saw soooo much opportunity to push on my own, so I went this way, and was happy I did...helps take down structures so quickly, and I never do this on PC)
  • Titan's Bane
  • Sold Breastplate of Valor for Mantle of Discord (let's pause here and see if you spot what happened.............................get it? Yeah, I switched out BoV for Mantle, but STILL HAD Bumba's Mask. Yup...totally missed that one, and when I realized it, SMH.)
  • Replaced Bumba's Mask w/ Bulwark of Hope (kept getting low on health in fights, so really wanted something with a good health pool, and 2 magical enemies were actually hurting)
Anyway, I've found a love for the little Rat, and definitely enjoyed Sol. I feel very little pressure on PS4, which is nice for a change. Just wish GGF would play more with me =)

P.S. didn't mention on my previous blog, but a couple days ago when I played with GGF, newbie, and my wife's cousin, I had apparently not chosen a god for our first Siege match, so I had deserter penalty for 30 minutes...so I had the brilliant idea of a custom 2 v 2 joust match. I chose Athena, and Boognish chose Rama, and we proceeded to get absolutely DESTROYED by newbie ( Hel I think) and...I forget who GGF was. That definitely put me in my place.