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Smite Item: Breastplate of Valor

Smite Item Breastplate of Valor

Item Details

Breastplate of Valor

Cost: 1050 (2250)

+50 Physical Protection
+300 Mana
+15 MP5
+20% Cooldown Reduction

Item Discussion

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Branmuffin17 (400) | December 17, 2018 1:01pm
Viability / General Use: High viability. Defensive item situationally functional for most ability-based gods needing physical protection.

Advantages: Reasonable cost, very high cooldown reduction, high mana pool.

Disadvantages: No magical protection, no health.

Restrictions: None.

Discussion: This is a utility physical defense item that allows for high ability use due to the 20% CDR and high mana pool. Typically used by tanks, but situationally picked up even by offensive gods that are struggling against physical enemies.

Considered a selfish item, so when used by Support roles, usually best to pick up late-game, as team-based items such as Sovereignty are often preferred early.
DroboBrandegee (2) | February 6, 2014 11:57am
It is especially useful for characters like He Bo who need the cooldown reduction in order to be effective, but also need a protections items. It is a lot better in many ways for He Bo than Chronos' Pendant
Blissey1 (6) | August 26, 2013 7:08am
Foxnos wrote:

An amazing item to go for early game if you are facing 3 or more physical and want to put out as much ability damage as possible without worrying to much about your own safety.

not to mention that 550 mana is really nice early on for some extra longevity.
Foxnos | July 3, 2013 2:01pm
An amazing item to go for early game if you are facing 3 or more physical and want to put out as much ability damage as possible without worrying to much about your own safety.
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