January 13, 2015

The case for disconnecting during a match plus a balanced solution

Views: 3151 BurnMojo231
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moba  |  toxic  |  smite  |  fps  |  disconnecting  |  balanced solution  |  casual  |  has foul language
During the course of a regular moba match you are more than likely to suffer any of the following slurs: ******, ****er, ******,and a multitude of racial slurs. Now why is that the case?

Simple enough competition, it brings the best and worst in us more often than not the worst.

The funny thing is that I also migrated to the moba community from an equally infamously toxic community known as the fps(Quake, Unreal Tournament, Team Fortress 2, Halo, and the most infamous COD).

Now this is the kicker. In my experience the moba is more consistently toxic than the fps community. Note the wording consistently you can find more extreme examples in the fps community but you run into more toxic players in mobas. Then it hit me in the middle of a conquest match while being called a ****** by some cretin "I don't want to deal with this person for the next 20 or so minuets" and in an fps I could just leave without punishment.
So effectively i'm stuck with this abuse or suffer a penalty. No one likes toxic players
in an fps many will end up leaving the game so the toxic player has no one to play with.
They may(not likely but the possibility is there) learn that they should be less toxic and they may be able to play a actual match once in a while, but in a moba you are at the mercy of them and the system. Note the report system in most mobas are trash except when one leaves the match.

The other side is if one leaves the match it is unfair for the other players. The allowance
of disconnecting is easily open to abuse. Trolls could easily leave the game when it starts and they should be punished for it. but the thing is will ruin the game for everyone anyway.

So the question remains should we allow players to leave the match? for me yes with caveats.
lets look to the fps for a solution specifically Call of Duty Black Ops 2 the solution they provide is in casual matches one is free to leave but in its league mode it's punished. a fair balance one can go to competitive(and be stuck with toxic players) and keep their sanity when playing casual matches because they are supposed to be casual.(not as much pressure)

So do you agree or not I would like to read others thoughts on this matter. First blog