Passive - When any nearby unit dies you gain bonus mana regen for a couple of seconds, this bonus is multiplied if a god dies.
1 - fires a projectile at an enemy which applies a magic damage over time, and debuffs healing and regeneration for a couple of seconds
2 - Raise dead, when activated summons the soul of a minion to fight for you for a few seconds, this minion has slightly higher base stats than regular minions, when these minions die they heal all allies in an area around them for a small amount
3 - Summons a mist at a target location, after a second of the mist appearing all enemies inside the area are rooted for 2 seconds, this also deals magic damage (the size of an isis silence)
Ult - Summons a peach tree at target location (like anhur or hun batz's) allies under the tree are instantly healed for a decent amount, allies who stay inside the area heal the same amount over the duration of the ability (would last about 4ish seconds).
Xi Wangmu is designed to have some CC and utility in her kit so she doesn't turn into a very bursty mage, she is able to heal her whole team with her ult and has good sustain with her passive and her 2, while having fairly good damage with her 1 and 3.
Alright, sorry if I sounded rude. I just think that there is no reason to make blog entries about god concepts, while you can post them at the forum, which is so much better.
its ok you werent rude :P
oh ok, im kinda new to smitefire, but ill do that
Alright, sorry if I sounded rude. I just think that there is no reason to make blog entries about god concepts, while you can post them at the forum, which is so much better.