Passive: Vampiric Presence- Camazotz always has some life steal, but when enemies are around, he steals a percentage of their life steal, magical or physical. (if it is magical, then it will convert to be physical life steal) Base life steal: 10% Percentage stolen: 15%
Ability 1: Echolocation- Camazotz screams a mighty scream and silences everyone in the cone in front of him and reveals enemies for 4 seconds. If he is sleeping, he screams louder and reveals enemies in a wider cone. The cone width normally is very narrow (it goes as far as arachnes pull but is very narrow) but during sleep the cone is 50% wider. Silence- 0.25/0.5/0.75/1/1.5 Damage-XX+(X% of physical power) Cooldown- 15/14/13/12/11
Ability 2: Bat Attack: Camazotz selects an area for a bat to dive to. (targeter like Ullr's 3) and if he hits an enemy god, then the bat will continue to attack them for 5 seconds. While being attacked the enemy will be visible on the map. Damage- XXX Cooldown- 14/13/12/11/10
Ability 3: Roost- Passive, if Camazotz stands still for 3 seconds, he will start sleeping and regens health. Active, Camazotz automatically starts sleeping and gains increased attack and movement speed when he wakes up and acts as a ward while asleep but will not heal. Additionally, while asleep, Camazotz can fly and attack any enemy that is revealed on the map if they are 150 meters of his location. Attack and Move speed- 10%/15%/20%/25%/35% Regen rate- 3% of your max health a second Cooldown- 16/15/14/13/12
Ultimate: Bat Swarm- Camazotz fills an area (as big as poseidons ult) with a cloud of bats, blinding all enemies in the area and applying a DoT, hitting every second for 3 seconds and refreshes if they stay in the area. In all the chaos, Camazotz flies up and can target an area to dive bomb into. DoT damage- 10/12/15/20/25+(25% of physical power) Damage on dive bomb-XX+(X% of physical power) Cooldown- 90 seconds
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