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Daelinn's Blog
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May 27, 2016
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Basically as the title implies, I thought I could share some of my experiences and thoughts regarding this game- as a player, so don't expect a full review. Also, at the very bottom I'll include a spoiler covering last fights and my ending in case anyone else happened to beat it and was curious about other possibilities. (so I'd suggest not to open it if you're planning on playing it someday)

I know that a year has passed already since its release, yet back then I wouldn't even dream about playing Witcher on my ancient PC with 1GB of RAM and Windows XP (although I miss it severely). Being honest, I was a bit hesitant as I had the occasion to try out the older Witcher games and, well, I wasn't impressed to say the least.

How wrong I was with that one, however. This purchase provided solid 80 hours of gameplay, without artificial fillers like finding 20 crates or killing 50 wolves, and I still have about 20 hours of side quests available when I feel like doing more. In all honesty by t…
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April 05, 2016

Soo, Hades...

Views: 2035 Daelinn
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It seems that Hades won't be getting a rework after all as there's an "event" incoming with bunch of new skins:

Here it is

"Over the course of the month, we'll be releasing four Exclusive skins for direct purchase, with a fifth Limited skin available as a Underworld Collection Bonus."

I can only hope that the Limited skin won't go to Guan Yu, as it would require buying every other one. (mini- Odyssey I guess)

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