April 25, 2020

Got to play a game with the boys again

Views: 2039 Devampi
So today was one of the days again that the timezones aligned and I got to play some games with some of the regulars again.

And in the long game spree we decided to play arena again. Like other arena games (If people remember the all guardian ones) we decided to troll (build). Bran spun a wheel to assign a random god and then we had a random item generator to give us the 6 items we had to build (although it gives an order we decided you could pick the order yourself.) Here are the results (cringe at your own risk)

It was fun and I am still wondering how we were allowed to win.

So now with the fun out of the way I have really been enjoying smite again, mostly assault, however even casual conquest has been doable. I still don't fully know which role I want to be playing, I have played every role now and I only am quite sure that solo is not really my thing. While teamfighting stage I do like warriors laning phase has been long and boring. The sustain is just to much often and while I can enjoy the constant fighting, most of the times it does not amount to much, making it hard to impact the early stages of the game most of the time.
While I haven't been playing a lot of mid and jungle yet, I do know I enjoy mid even though it can turn into a 3v3 lane. Jungle is still something I will have to relearn but I saw some succes. I do feel you farm a lot quicker then jungling in S1
Most of my conquest games have been in duo lane as either adc or support. I have started to enjoy support a bit although I do still kinda need to find my playstyle (haven;t had a proper chance to properly "fool around" with traveler or early relic dagger yet.
Atm I do have to say that there can be a big chance I will shift sooner towards mid and maybe even jungle as I do prefer having the burst over the adc's consistent damage (in that case give me a bruiser).
I have also been enjoying following spl and looking at the builds. it actually shows me how much better item diversity has gotten compared to S1 and well LoL.

So people have probably been wondering about my item guide, well it's in the works. Had a bit of a slow start even though like most countries we have a "lockdown" (it's recommended to stay at home and work from home). This caused more activity from my friends and with a lot of the events some games have been throwing up. The good news is that I have started working on it. I also had another idea for it. Or mayeb better said a second guide to link too with questions/test/assignment (give them a scenario with a question and let them answer what's wrong or why etc.) as it might help people learn. I am curious how you guys think about adding something like this (probably in a second guide so the original won't get cluttered.