June 13, 2014

Hello Hello

Views: 3053 Devampi
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Well as some others also made a blog where they told something about themselves. My name is Devampi (or Vampi) I started playing smite just before release (2-3 days). I'm a lvl 23 player now atm. I like to play all roles but I'm not good at all roles (my jungle and support aren't very good the others are pretty decent) and I'm not a really good builder.

I have plans to make a guide in the future but atm I just feel to inexperienced with building for that (and need to find the time). I can still use some help with most(/all) roles. (helps appreciated)

I mostly play with my friends and I help my just new-in-the-game friends (first bots after that pvp) So they aren't too noob (IMO they know what they need to do). Only I can't help them with all roles (jungle especially because my knowledge of that role is less (less then support I don't know because I don't play support that much) and is hard to explain).

Well this was my small introduction XD. I have been active here for a month or so