May 23, 2019

I have been diving into the past.

Views: 1176 Devampi
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guides  |  smitefire
Hello and welcome once again to my weekly blog (I totally didn't miss several days or this didn't take me several days (By the point of finishing this it was weeks maybe even a month) honestly idk how long it's going to take to write this one). I wanted to give a small update of what I have been doing.

First let's start with a smite update. Haven't had much time to play. Maybe played around 3 matches. However, I told Bran I felt quite rusty. Well it seems it's not me that's rusty but more that I can't handle my non gaming setup (read laptop). So I think apart from hitting basics as an ADC (probably need to remove the hit bracket as it might be throwing me off when basic attacking). Still takes a bit of practise looking at the fact I only played 2 adc games. abilities are going pretty fine again (may have missed an achilles' shield stun on one of the gods I was trying to stun that should have been in range if I placed it pixel perfect).
Problem is I won;t be playing it a lot soon, because I won't be playing games. Time has been quite a problem this past and coming week. To think some holidays have passed already last weekends. This weekend I have work and stuff.
Also LoL is having an event that I kinda want to complete so pretty much all my time will go to that (and getting my gold back if the team is up for it, fun fact I could guess all of my team members event groups they either picked or got out of the quiz. I only didn;t dare to guess mine right.) Just to let you see the time I have had I may have played only 6 games of LoL (including arams) over the past weeks.

What else have I been doing? Well I'm on here most of the time during my daily train traveling. Reading comments on most guides, however not all (because I can't keep up with some of the conversations that start).
I have also done a dive into the past. Visiting for me the golden Times of Smitefire (around release end beta) and well sadly also the Dark ages.

I have also been diving into what was going to be the main part of this blog: The general guides section. you know the guides that pop up when you select "none" as god. I wonder how many of you knew it was a thing, mostly because Bran (who has cleaned out the "lost" god guides out of the section) didn't know it or bothered to look for it. It's only 2 tabs long which isn't much compared to the god guides. Most of them are outdated, however there is still a lot of information for the person interested. Or you can use it as a small time capsule for the game. Originally I planned to point out some interesting reads and history for some guides. However, recently Prism also dived into the past and new ideas sprouted. Also he revived the viability ranking thread. Me and prism may have started a huge project if we actually manage to pull it through. it can be considered a history thread and what I originally wrote about some guides here will probably appear there. otherwise I still have access to it.

Also another plan that sprouted my mind for maybe a next blog was looking at some of our active writing members guide and try to discover their unique personal touch. If I get time for this that is. Also for anyone of you that is still looking to improve their writing the general guide section has how to make guide guide ofc (don't know how much you will learn from it as this is quite basic, however maybe it has a great idea or suggestion to try in it.) BBcode guide and even a grammar one. also the how to make a guide guide has 2 versions which kinda shows the evolution of writing on smitefire, which is definitely a fun thing to look at.

Also the yellow is some added comments to the part I wrote before finishing this.