I partly also think this comes because Green has a way higher elo then me. I'm not blaming it on the NA server (as I am EU) because I didn't notice lag (I don't know the ping but was probably around 120 as I normally have)
first of I have started to use steam smite. This allows me to track my time playing the game better. And for some reason I can play Smite without getting kicked out in the loading screen on max (while last time normal client I needed to play on the lowest settings).
So we queued up and got into our first game. I ended up calling solo (I had choice out of sup and solo). I decided to try Bellona (partly because masteries). Green took Thanatos and we invaded them getting both 1 of the kills (with the 1st blood to me) I take their blue and go to lane (green goes to their speed) and there we heard an enemy has left. the guy was AFK according to the team and they got mad after the game about the invade on an afk (while the dc was their support sobek and both chang'e and thor were their the whole game).
I didn't play that bad that game because I had dominance the whole game (and I forgot wards on the first back however chang'e got ganked (I took it with my ult big ks actually) and thor came after 5 seconds later for a counter gank getting killed too).
After a while I actually lost my advantage because I thought I could kill her (I hate her free aegis ability) and it ended in a dead me because she ulted me (and beads wouldn't help as I couldn't get away quick enough from her follow up because CD on Shield Bash (yes I did waste my beads because of that)
I did feel rusty as I missed a lot of the linear hammer skill shot (which is pretty easy to hit) could be because free aegis or sensitivity (as it god reset)
The 2nd game I had gone mid Ra and well I got really wrecked going 1-6(-7 I think) by an Eset. we won the game because again a DC (and well green's supporting did go pretty well) this had multiple reasons:
1.I started with soulstone to try the item. I noticed that I don't need it as much because my spell usage was pretty low. And the mana pot was also somethign I didn;t need to buy
2.I started tiny trinket instead of my usual boots. and damn I was slow I noticed I played a bit better when I finally got my tier 1 boots. (I'm used to a sort racecar ra build)
3.My warding was terrible because I ended up spending more points on hp pots especially early game. this ended up in hun batz and khepri being very annoying
however it was pretty funny because of some moments:
1.I had a very nice aegis while my team was doing GF and I tried to annoy the enemy khepri who was taking small furies with bastet. Only it weren't only those 2. so it ended up in me almost getting splattered but the Greater Aegis saved me (it wasn't really that planned though I got lucky more (yeah my map awareness was also bad that game))
2.For some reason I managed to get stunned by a Hun Batz ult or at least it looked like this because I saw my character 'running' but not moving (and the Spirit Ball hit stopped the 'running') that space monkey pod landed right on top of me so that was pretty weird.
So that was a small recap of my smite skills. I did enjoy the games.
I can still notice though that some, things really got rusty compared to other things:
-items especially solo lane
-the button pushing is also something I need to get used to again (for walking)
and probably some more stuff (jungling for sure)
So yeah that were my smite adventure of the midday
Part 2:
Today in the early midday I queued solo. I had a really nice khumba support game and I already love the active combo of blink and curse
I had some ncie plays getting my carry a kill whiel they tried to get me. I was late with putting sentry wards down because of buying loads of healing and multipots (I started with multi and switched to healign later on).
The only thing was an amount of "miswards" because only 2 wards a person rule (making me use a 3rd removing a important ward) leading to a gank killing me and Neith.
toxicity was low but most younger schoolkids were at school anyway.
And again disconnection problems won me the game (the ullr DC came back and DC a second time some 10 min later not returning)
What do you mean ? We can see the builds by clicking the "Quick Stats" button.
I'm also a person who can forget they have an active (This happens with summoner spells too but in Smite it's more common as you need to buy them first (which I can also forget) and with items with actives in other games)
(also don't use Smiteguru on this discussion because it doesn't show builds)
and buying actives on the start (especially full with the exception of med in assault or beads any game mode) is normally pretty bad.
And still the way I use aegis isn't mainly for escaping (I like to use it in certain abilities like a Ra heal while someone uses an ability to damage me so I ignore the damage and get HP and being used to stuff like this. would work better with the moving one (and as far as I know only possible with zhong ult))
I noticed that everybody that used Greater Aegis had a bad result.
It's probably a coincidence, but maybe not.
You can see these games
Match 1
Match 2
In this match, that Eset bought Greater Aegis right from the start (weird buy, but ok).
I'll let you guess how many times she used it.
Finally, in this match, we see that the one with Aegis Pendant did way better than the player with Greater Aegis.
Of course, we cannot judge an item by the player overall stats.
But since in all my match, 100% of the players that bought it ended up feeding, it might mean something.
It was that after that the Zeus ult zoned them away (in the last 0.25 sec) and because I already ate most of their abilities it was a quick fight. But otherwise The kehpri would have grabbed me too making running really hard. (IMO Abduct is a hard counter to Aegis Pendant)
Also a funny reason to get aegis would be if it interacts well with zhong's ult (so if you ult and then go diving and you put aegis on the ghost won't stop spawning. that's where in LoL hourglass is made for diving/blinking in a team with an ability that doesnt egt canceled and then statis forcing them to scatter or take a lot of damage.
(My use for aegis is mostly to dodge certain abilities I took it to use it when HB started to 2 dive me when I wanted to recall in tower range (he didn't use 3 only 2) or other things I don't want to get hit by. other then that I use it to prolong a fight if I can get teammates in time pendant is a good one for this but with loads of CC it doesn't really matter. And normally people suspect less if you are in place compared to you running to your side base/towers)
When Greater Aegis used to be able while CCed, it was far better than Aegis Pendant.
But it has been nerfed, and since then, it only provides a 20% damage mitigation, at the cost of staying still, while your enemy are just waiting for its end to kill you.
This allows you enemy to get a better positioning and refresh their CD (yours too, it's true, but usually you are already in a disadvantage and only seek escape).
I understand all you arguments.
I see why you prefer Greater Aegis over Aegis Pendant, it's fine.
However, for each situation you just told me, on the question "movement or 20% damage reduction", my answer was always "movement".
Because, IMO, the goal of aegis is to survive a 1 big shot and gtfo.
It's not meant to be able to box / retaliate after you've avoid a combo.
Btw, for your example on Loki, if he has used Vanish, then you wouldn't have seen it coming, so you could not have popped aegis before he hits you. Meaning, if you are quick, Aegis will prevent from the 2 remaining seconds of the DoT. That 20% damage reduction is not used.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
I was wondering why people were still using this item.
- Ares or Xing Tian going full CDR, needing both Greater Purification and Greater Aegis
- Heavy burst gods aiming on you Poseidon Loki Bakasura
- When I'm able to flee with a few HP left, avoid insta death from Thanatos Neith Nu Wa.
- If I'm doing really bad and need to survive those heavy damaging ult Scylla, Vulcan Kukulkan, Anubis, He Bo, etc
On all those situation, only in the first one it would be better to pick Greater Aegis.
Second example:
Poseidon: He hits you with a Whirlpool/ Release The Kraken! combo. You use Aegis Pendant, are still hit by the kraken slow and whirlpool pull so you get knocked up by the kraken, end up in the center of the whirlpool due to the knockup/pull and now Poseidon can smack you for full damage with Tidal Surge and Trident. Vs Greater Aegis, unless Poseidon hits his Whirlpool/ Release The Kraken! dead center, you will be farther from the center due to the CC immunity upon using and have 20% damage reduction once the combo ends to help brace the impact of Tidal Surge and Trident.
Loki: tick damage from his Vanish will still tick after your aegis, would you rather have 20% damage reduction for those ticks or the ability to move? Your choice.
Bakasura: You're slowed and crippled in his ult so you're not really going to be escaping him even if you can move, so again, movement or 20% damage reduction? :/
Your final example:
Anubis: His ult lasts 3 seconds, Aegis Pendant and Greater Aegis last 2. You're not likely going to be able to move out of the range of his ulti, so do you still want movement, or damage reduction?
And finally, for ADCs, say you're against a Cupid or Medusa and you grab Aegis Amulet for their ultimates. Would you rather be able to move (even though in both cases you'd be slowed anyway) or gain increased boxing potential from the 20% damage reduction once their ultis end?
Basically the gist: neither one is really better than the other, it really depends on context. Despite my not showing examples for Aegis Pendant, that was simply because in most other cases that is the better choice. Knowing what context each is better in is incredibly helpful, and I hope these comments help with that.
the biggest reason why I took greater was because I needed the CC immunity. if I had pendant I would still be CC chained and it wouldn't change the situation that much other then me taking a bit more damage and maybe dying.
And as zilby said against Ares I almost always get Greater Aegis and beads (assault it's an exception the I prefer it over beads in some situation.) because using beads does still damage you and can kill you.
Also don't forget I have played LoL so I'm used to an item with the same effects (I can see more to better time it) as Greater Aegis (only with a 3 second stasis and no damage reduction).
It's mostly about the amount of CC that decides the choice. however for both aegises there are situations that you can better not use it as it would be a waste (just like beads sometimes)
EDIT: also a part 2 of my solo queue adventure of today
Prism's answer, about the fact that the 20% damage mitigation could help against Poseidon combo, I think that being able to move out of the pool with Aegis Pendant is still better.
Even with 20% less damage taken, you are still sitting in front of the enemy, waiting for your death.
That's the point of my question ... what are those scenario where it could be better ?
These are the scenario I could use aegis
- Ares or Xing Tian going full CDR, needing both Greater Purification and Greater Aegis
- Heavy burst gods aiming on you Poseidon Loki Bakasura
- When I'm able to flee with a few HP left, avoid insta death from Thanatos Neith Nu Wa.
- If I'm doing really bad and need to survive those heavy damaging ult Scylla, Vulcan Kukulkan, Anubis, He Bo, etc
On all those situation, only in the first one it would be better to pick Greater Aegis.
I don't get why someone would use Greater Aegis over Aegis Pendant since it's nerf.
Since you used it, and apparently it saved you, can you tell me why it's better than the other Aegis ?
IMO Aegis Pendant is good in situations the enemy team if focusing you hard, cuz you're too fed or you're feeding. So when you have low health just rush to your allies and be like : HELP.
Otherwise, Greater Aegis is better every scenario