- Guide
- Smite stuff (in 2 part: return and tips)
- My Smitefire History
- Personal
- Anything else I decide that's important to notice or I forgot (probably some LoL stuff)
I'm probably going to be making it into spoilers so it won't be scrolling a long long long way down if you are only interested in several parts of the blog.
some notes:
- I won't care a lot about my grammar
- There is going to be a lot of LoL and maybe even some DotA etc. in it
- several parts are going to be general MOBA stuff (meaning it applies in other MOBA's too)
- It's a bit of late night blog, meaning I can be pretty vague sometimes or stupid.
So here we go:
SO I'm gonna say my guide is doing pretty well. Having almost 15K views and mostly positive votes. Still as most people know it's the type of never done guide. I'm always searching for new mistakes.
It's not something really worrying me at the moment as with the help of Bran I'm Reformatting it. making chapters more logical and a good spell check. I only need to pull myself together to continue editing/reformatting/updating it and because Bran is S3 updating his guide it will probably take some time. However I haven't abandoned it yet.
Is there any chance I'm going to make a god guide? Probably not. Maybe another general guide about some stuff I find important and won't be put into my existing guide again. Time will tell.
smitefire stuff
So yeah in a couple of months I will hit 2 years on SF and damn a much of stuff has happened in that time. I haven't really looked back a lot to my first posts and stuff but damn I remember coming here having no idea what I was talking about. Met a lot of awesome people. Felt myself grow into a more understanding player (as better is something totally else). This was mostly the 1st half year.
After that SF descended into a darker period. With several fights developing between people people going missing or leaving and in the end even some bans. This ended up in me being the only Dutch guy for a while and I still gotta keep the title of the iconic Dutch guy up. I gotta say for most people I have seen that are Dutch in games they are totally the opposite (read salty pricks here) then the people I met here.
This is also the period I hit editor in I believe (beginning of it or just before it). To tell the truth at the moment I got promoted I was really surprised. I had no guides like all other I have seen getting promoted. And I didn't really value my input as pretty good info. Compared to some others dwelling the site a lot longer then me. However now that I look back at my user period I did notice I put a lot of effort trying to help people before promotion. By offering tips (and mentoring but this never got really far), reviewing guides and putting several stuff up in discussions. The veteran promotion was suspected more as I was like the only active editor I believe XD. And I'm planning on being worthy of these promotions again (as I haven't provided a lot of up to date info)
After the dark age we hit the spot we are now which several have dubbed the age of rebuilding. Lots of new people and several oldies. I'm kinda sad I don't see several of my missing friends here anymore (or on skype/steam etc.). Still I hope to see the community we have here grow again to what it once was with a lot of awesome people.
Smite stuff (some tips too)
So first the announcement which kinda has been made in the last spoiler. I'm planning to return to smite. I have pretty much returned already however I'm so rusty missing the easiest skill shots (imo).
I have had some fun with assault (as always),
tried to enjoy clash a bit (which I'm partly am after the 1st games were it felt more like arena were everyone focuses teamfighting and not focussing towers),
tried the new joust map which is pretty nice.
still not liking arena that much but it's a bit less then before.
for some reason siege is kinda sucking (I have had some bad comps in the matches I played)
Haven't tried CQ yet. hope I didn't forget any modes (except motd)
New items and stuff are still a bit messy atm but that's probably what most people have.
Now part 2. A lot of people are starting ranked because S3. My guide is known for having some noob advise but also other things like flaming and stuff. Well several of these things are really my and other players view. In a lot of cases I have put myself in a certain group with my views on certain things. There will be a part of rant about several of those things following. But I first wanted to start with several points of advise I have heard and have myself for starting ranked (even if I don't play ranked myself) it counts for all games really and this advise is going to be pointed at conquest in most cases:
For the first bit of advise I'm gonna say something which is pretty standard. When to start ranked well to start ranked you need to know a lot of stuff. you need to be able to play several roles (being able to play all good but 2 really good is really nice). know several gods per role. Know all gods (mostly done by playing them once).
This takes an enormous amount of games. The amount of games people suggest of casual is mostly 200+ (other say 300, other 100 other 500 etc.). Going into ranked without this puts you at a disadvantage in the beginning. I also recommend to not jump into ranked without having done some games with the new items. Changes like this are big and if you are against people who did have matches before going into ranked know already better what items do/better builds. (IMO smite should also have a Pre-season like LoL also fixes thingsthat are being super OP after the PBE/PTS)
Second part of advise gonna bring tilting in here. If you are playing ranked and you are recognizing that you are tilting (because some toxic player is whining about you or someone else.) take a break after the game. And not play some casual games with the same mindset. The best medicine against tilting is taking a full break from the game. Or hit up with some friends to queue some casual for fun (so with another mindset).
If you continue playing while tilted you are only going to tilt more which leads into a big lose streak. Also if your cause of tilting is another player on the team whining (about whatever) just mute them. If needed just mute the full team. A whining player is bad for the team morale and in most cases also affects the play of other people.
This part of advise gonna be more aimed at qualifiers and lower Elo. As in these matches your team isn't always working perfectly or several people are incompetent. This makes it hard to climb for several role. Best roles to pick are roles with carry potential (mid jungle adc and solo). However you need to pick gods that don't take too long to come online, because if you get online while the enemy team is at your titan that's too late. This means getting support is bad, well it can be a problem but even there you can carry only not with a traditional tank support. Characters with carry potential that can fill the role can also help you climb.
after this one my advise is kinda done. Think about the team comps. Sometimes the composition of the team loses you the game. This can be on points of having to much of single damage type, no tanks/frontline or one of the most forgettable points CC. If your team misses hard CC it can't lock down valuable or dangerous enemies.
And now I'm gonna be ranting a bit. and for the people yelling about Elo hell or really OP/Broken champs plz pay attention.
First of I'm going to start with my standard Elo hell isn't a thing and add onto this yes sometimes champions are strong but in most cases not broken or OP.
As most of you know I sort of hate the players whining about Elo Hell. For people not really knowing what I mean by this: in most cases these are players that blame their team for everything. Most of them make mistake and then blame someone (depending on lane but let's just say poor jungle and support) for their mistake. e.g. late game several people respawning and walking to mid to defend. Instead of waiting to go in as 5v5 the mage decides to go in get murdered and then is all like why no one follow me while most/no one is close enough to be there in time. You can also add rage quitters in this term (not dc only rq).
The biggest problem here is The person who is making the mistake/blaming. Matchmaking is doing its best to match you up with people of equal skill lvl while also trying to not let you wait 20 hours. However you can never control another players actions. Also all this blaming isn't only annoying for other players you are also hurting your chances on losing the game. Your team has a morale and with all the blaming or a bad environment people will start to tilt, costing you the game.
On top of this you are so busy blaming others you won't improve as you don't notice your own mistakes. So yeah the place you're stuck is probably right believe it or not. Even Pros/casters/youtubers (of high elo) in all moba's agree on this. My guide has an article and several quotes of those people.
And now the Broken/OP god statement. One you hear a lot. Sometimes true sometimes absolutely wrong. So let's start here a lot of these champions/gods that are called broken are champions/gods like Loki, champions designed to kill people in mere seconds. The statement that also adds here is the: that god is skillless/doesn't require skill to play. It's a statement I have seen around in multiple moba's but mostly in LoL.
champions have a skill cap and ceiling. cap is the amount of experience you need to play them at a normal lvl and ceiling the amount of experience needed for full potential. sometimes this doesn't differ a lot sometimes it does. The problem here is people like Loki, yasuo (any other champion this kind) are in a lot of ways not as easy as people call them. The reason people call them is because you don't need to be really good at them to get some kills. however a good Loki player will destroy a bad one. These kind of champions are murder champions. They are designed to kill but if caught they are almost always bad.
Skill exist out of 2 things mechanical and knowledge. Mechanical has to do with combo's etc. and is different per champion and being good mechanics can get you very far.
The second one is knowledge which is global. building is part of this and matchups too. also recognizing mistakes and stuff like that. A player with high mechanical skill but low knowledge can lose from a player who has lower mechanical skill but more knowledge.
For more on this I'm going to refer you guys to Stonewall008 (a LoL plat/diamond streamer/youtuber with a lot of knowledge) post: this facebook post and this old blog post (he also made the facebook post into a vid a bit explaining things more). I'm also going to leave a quote from the blog here that's at the end:
stonewall008 quote
Honestly if you want to improve you have to do the following. Stop blaming your teammates. Ryrk lost a lot of games and had shoddy mmr but I eventually grinded him out of his hell. Elo Hell only exists in the way that it will feel like WORK sometimes but not in that you can't escape some pool of terrible players. There is always a way out. Ask yourself what your flaws are and what it is you need to improve. Ask yourself what is keeping you from achieving said improvements. Ask yourself if you have what it takes to practice, study and ask questions. Ask yourself if you're ready to accept failure and all t he negative energy you'll be bestowed upon by others or yourselves. Not everyone is a "supermlgmegaelitepro" and some players are doomed to mediocrity but at the very least most players have the potential to improve. As cheesy as it sounds - knowledge IS power.
Well am I done with the smite Stuff now? well partly I'm quickly going to drop this autopilot blog from smuggels here again.
Personal stuff
So just a bit of real life stuff for people that are wondering. Compared to other personal stuff blogs most people put here mine isn't as bad.
School and stuff is going pretty good I still have all the study points atm, good amount of free time and a nice amount of contacts/friends. Only I sometimes feel a bit left out. This kinda has to do with drinking age. Still doesn't bother me too much.
Health is fine except that everyone has been sick for the past weeks.
And that's mostly it only thing I will probably get is more busy as stuff coming up (some events) And I can't wait till the Sabaton&Alestorm concert I'm going to in March (I believe).
I'm also becoming way to addicted to several youtubes and twitch. this kinda hurts the series/films I'm watching/planning to watch
So that's all if you read to all it probably took some time (took me long to write everything tho and I probably forgot stuff too) I guess this could be even longer then my guide lmao. I wrote this starting ~9pm till ~2pm with watching a stream and a break (of probably ~1.5h total) in that time.
Yes the Personal part is a bit rushed however it wouldn't be big anyway.
Hope you guys enjoyed it any questions can be put in comments (even questions about how does the dutch school system work, what do you study etc.)
We could have started Conquest together, it would make the process more fun.
Low to no pressure on that type of account, and it's only casual anyway...I should consider!
I'm going to say I don't find that a bad reason to smurf Bullfrog. However most people smurfing are "full time" CQ players (or at least I was talking about those guys)
I am slowly trying to learn Conquest mode, but this mode is seems too much "hardcore" at level 30.
You "have" to fit to the meta on each aspect of the game :
- Roles
- Team composition
- Starting position
- Rotations expected
- etc
If you are new to the mode, it's sometimes too much to master at once.
You could try to learn 1 role at once, however your role is being picked randomly (the first one to enter the room and call it).
So, you end up support, even though you have no clue what a good support should do.
You get blamed because you are doing a ****ty job (which is probably true), but nobody will even try to give tips.
At least, while smurfing, all this stuff is "optional".
My last game, I had a support Poseidon going solo lane with Apollo.
While I was adc with Neith in duo lane, against Ah Muzen Cab and Geb.
It was hard, of course, but it was interesting, and nobody flamed, even when we started to lose.
At the end, yes we won, I carried them with my 17-1 score, but that's not the point.
I didn't care winning or losing, I just wanted to learn tips "on the fly", without being rushed or judged.
Eventually, I'll be confortable with all roles, so I could get back to my main account.
Just my 2 cents on smurfing.
Drinking age? Just go to Amsterdam, yeah? =P
I myself dislike smurfing and won't turn to it. However I don't always have problems with people smurfing. Smurfing is done with several reasons.
-To help new low lvl friends get into the game, so they won't be put into players with way more experience.
-Another is because of servers (this is more a LoL problem) and having friends on EU and NA e.g.
-Pros and other more famous people in the world of smite have smurfs for the reason of not being recognized every time (getting loads of questions during the game etc.)
these are reasons that I don't mind people smurfing for.
off course we also have people that smurf with reasons I dislike or take actions during smurfing that are really bad for the game. They both fall into the "Elo Hell" players catogory in most cases.
-We have the people that are "stuck" in Bronze that believe they should be in plat. So they decide to make a smurf lvl it to lvl 30 go into ranked and hope for better placements. Well if they are lucky they get placed 1-2 tiers higher if they are unlucky they are placed even lower.
-People that smurf just to make themself feel better by owning low-lvl/new players. This is just bad and unfair for the new players.
-People that smurf to make their stats look better. I'm more neutral here, however they are part of the "make themself feel better" players most of the time. They decide to make a new account so they can have awesome stats. I don't really mind this as MM will screw it over eventually and they would need to do it again. Also are stats something that say nothing, just like worshippers/mastery lvl. I have been called out of having only 39 kills with Medusa after 5 matches of being bad by a player. Why would I care sometimes you have those 20-2-30 games and sometimes you have 1-22-8 games. as long as the match been won you won KDA etc. doesn't say anything. Player damage etc says more but still not enough in a lot of cases.
I also mentioned actions of a lot of these players that smurf for these reasons (this doesn't apply to everyone). Most of these kind of smurfs are really toxic. They think they are playing with lvl 30 that have a better understanding of the game. However most new players sometimes have no idea what they are doing/building. Because of these players *****ing at them for being bad (enough smurfs that do this) the new players will just quit. Which hurts the player base and off course the reputation. The only reason LoL is known for being really toxic is for these kind of people. In higher lvls you see them much less (unless you are in low elo ranked off course).
And yes most part in this blogs are my views on these subjects. If you agree you agree if you don't you don't. Everyone has their own views on it. I don't suspect people to change their views to mine. Hopefully I have had everything I wanted to talk about here now