February 06, 2016

Loads of stuff: S3, SF, etc.

Views: 1262 Devampi
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A  |  Really  |  Long  |  Blog
So I felt it was time for a "mega" blog. As S3 kicked in and my 2 year anniversary on smitefire will also hit soon, I decided to make a blog (my 20 blog total) on several things:
  • Guide
  • Smite stuff (in 2 part: return and tips)
  • My Smitefire History
  • Personal
  • Anything else I decide that's important to notice or I forgot (probably some LoL stuff)

I'm probably going to be making it into spoilers so it won't be scrolling a long long long way down if you are only interested in several parts of the blog.
some notes:
  • I won't care a lot about my grammar
  • There is going to be a lot of LoL and maybe even some DotA etc. in it
  • several parts are going to be general MOBA stuff (meaning it applies in other MOBA's too)
  • It's a bit of late night blog, meaning I can be pretty vague sometimes or stupid.

So here we go:

smitefire stuff

Smite stuff (some tips too)

Personal stuff

So that's all if you read to all it probably took some time (took me long to write everything tho and I probably forgot stuff too) I guess this could be even longer then my guide lmao. I wrote this starting ~9pm till ~2pm with watching a stream and a break (of probably ~1.5h total) in that time.

Yes the Personal part is a bit rushed however it wouldn't be big anyway.

Hope you guys enjoyed it any questions can be put in comments (even questions about how does the dutch school system work, what do you study etc.)