January 07, 2016
My guide
Views: 1784
So as most of you know my guide is the type of never being completed. I myself got an idea of including a don't always use the exact same build (this being aimed at all roles but to mage/apc or adc in a lesser extent). getting a bit of counter building stuff in there to. (I actually got this from the small autobuild discussion XD. yeah some points I can add come into existence because of things said in some threads remembering me of something. that's how random I can be
How did I get to this because earlier you could adjust auto build (instead of a own made recommended page))
however after that I'm a bit out of inspiration. so does anyone have points not already in the guide that should be there?
(Oh and also can someone do a spell check, mostly on the part of wrong used words or weird sentences (punctuation only for: , (I can't use these things right in a lot of cases, even in Dutch so yeah) capitals is something I can easily do myself.
Actually Bran that's a great offer, and a easier way to search for stuff. If you could send it to me by PM that would be great
Prism it's something you see a lot of people do and in most cases someone does it they should be navigating quickly or checking a item cost (so tabbing out of it constantly to look if they aren't going to get screwed)
Include a section about NOT Openning the store when you are still backing, since you can get interrupted and killed.
Now, for Bran :
How do you do that giant code thing ?
Example...Introduction (my suggested edit):
Hello, and welcome to my guide describing basic mistakes (and how to avoid them). This guide is about fairly basic mistakes that are often made by beginners, but may also be made by veterans as well. Hopefully, this guide will help you to quickly recognize these situations and improve your overall level of play.
(now, here, I'll put this all in code so you can copy and paste as you see fit with BBCoding intact...at least, I assume it should work!)