And well in the end we did win and then I saw something (search for it yourself on the picture)full stats (don't call me out on bad skill builds or items)
I managed to get the highest net worth. As a support that I never played and didn't play as well as I normally did. I overtook the other nami with double the amount of gold. So I just carried a game as a support (and I did make horrible mistakes for one and had no runes.). And well I was surprised I had top net worth for one.
(also for people who look at the full match link and notice I didn't buy a lot of wards the pink ward never got taken down and well sightstone. still I did swap my trinket way late and I messed up a lot of actives from the items (mostly solari) so the stats could be better.)
So yeah I'm proud of myself.
well for support reason e is better (as I believe more q lvls doesn't prolong the stun (I hate LoL for not showing numbers when you aren't in game same is for adjusting settings.) But I forogt about the skill mostly.
our riven got killed by shaco a lot and the kat was really vague she was building gunblade first then sold everything for abyssal.
Still team composition wise I feel like I could have better taken taric or alistar (as they are tankier) so I really felt lucky seeing there team. (also shaco no gank bot XD helped us win and I only now noticed lucian didnt rushed edge with looked liek he would rush though at the start of the game)
Riven with 89 cs against a kat who rush abyssal lol
Ashe with no crit item against Lucian who rush statikk shiv, wtf lol
True level 20 game XD
and the only time I did get CS was when I defended top lane. still after the gank we snowballed and as the other teams tried to deathball through mid I was mid a lot of times to turn their deathball against them that also explains the low amount of cs
P.s. Everyone has no cs in that game >_>