December 24, 2019

Z-A Fafnir to Aphrodite

Views: 1723 Devampi
So close to the end before Christmas, depending on how much I play I might even reach the end before the end of the year.

Heimdallr like him but didn't really like his 2 and his ulty is damn powerfull banishing someone for 4s can change a teamfight. I'm awaiting nerfs for it though.

Fafnir fun guy love his dragon form makes him pretty strong and hsi base form is also decent. what you would expect from a transform got like this. Only hard to notice when it stops sometimes.

Erlang Shen liked his basic attack style, however he doesn't stick well without his ult. also the healing from his ult is great but it took a while before I remembered it was my ult healing (#overvalueingbeserker shield)

Discordia love the ult and her 2, don;t really like her 1 for the second proc but damn does it do damage if you hit someone with at the bounce.

Da Ji like her but her thousand cuts always seems better when used against me. Also took me a while to figure out you could tp to allies (not that people came to taxi me out)

Cupid didn;t really change but he felt way more burstier than before with his heartbomb maybe because of mysts build.

Cu Chulainn not really an arena god but he was fun if I could manage to get his second form, sometimes. can't wait to play him in a slower game mode.

Chronos I definitly got worse with myself. mostly at selecting the right sections but he is still the same.

Chiron liked him more as an ability based user than basic attack user. didn;t get to use his ult with ressurection yet which was a slight bummer.

Chernobog I love this guys ult just swooping in killing peeps. makes up for his 1 being a bit lackluster.

Chang'e I remember her being quicker with the ability spam being able to keep up the passive movement speed. Also love the rabbit bringing stuff.

Chaac good old Chaac he feels less damagy then before, however that is a build change. Also I felt like his 1 got consumed before so messed up some 1-4-2-3 combos

Cernunnos gotta get used to his 1 playstyles but after that it's fun to use wild hunt.

Cerberus fun guy but damn do I suck at hitting his stun. love the ult. don;t really get the effect of the ghosts. also damn that passive is strong with some healers on the enemy team.

Camazotz damn is he fun and what a damage with echo.

Cabrakan did with a full tank build 3rd damage it was quite great. didn't play bruiser with him yet but I don;t feel his kill potential changed.

Bellona finally got used to her kit compared to ability based bellona which was how she was played aroudn release. love the stances only a bit sad they drop after a while sometimes.

Bastet still an early game powerhouse and one of the only assassins in arena I can play super aggressively cause Pounce.

Baron Samedi can;t really get his potion to work and the ult can be a bit annoying to get maximun damage out of but damn is it strong

Bakasura same old bakasura, still as annoying to get ult stacks with in a teamfight game mode.

Bacchus his 1 is so nice he costs way less mana and it feels like the drunk meter drops less fast which is great. do remember his 3 being more damagy but well like him how he is now

Awilix sorry salad but she plays quite weird with her leap, she is fun though being able to ride a panther for unlimited time.

Athena nothing changed same old athena

Artio is a weird one as she wants to stay atrange in one form and be in close combat in the other. took me a while to get her to work decently

Artemis only the passive changed which slightly hurt her early, however you can now build qin's instead of going for the obvious crit, without "nullifying" your passive.

Ares this was a fun mirror match I went tank and the opponent went bruiser. still did 500 more damage than him.

Arachne damn do I want old arachne back. don't like her heavily focused AA kit and meh ult. I do like coccoon however I don;t like venemous bit as much as they both rely heavily on basics makign one basic quite overloaded.

Apollo Noticed the audacity change after that damn did I suck with him XD. maybe because the enemy loki loved me and one athena can only peel so much. still outdamaged my teammates neith a little bit while beign dead for longer

and lastly Aphrodite, only her ult felt a bit nerfed and damn without anti heal she is damn strong, healing a tank from half health to full.

Something I have noticed is that I gravitate a lot to the assassins, however as a bruiser not a full assassin build. I really love Void Shield.
I also came to hate adcs the most mostly because of the amount of focus they get even if the mage is who they need to focus to not get squished.