let's start
The Morrigan:
Pretty much the god that can be anyone in the game. A pretty nice ultimate however team and enemy dependent.
So her passive is nice only hard to utilize during a combo unless you start of with it.
her 1 is a straight forward stun quite fun to spam the animation.
her 2 is a great to start the combo of with and can even pressure people away.
So honestly while playing as the morrigan I have to say she feels like kind of an assassin only it's hard for her to actually do it with 2 damaging abilities.
well don;t really have to cover Thanatos as he didn;t change apart from building. Also I failed so many scythes.
Damn what a load of text. Also so many thing you can do with her dash. it took me a while to understand what everything did (mostly her ult)
Sylvanus an old goldy only have to practise the grab, had a great game pulling people into Hades ulti
Susano was also quite confusing to start however he quickly made sense after I figured out how his ult worked. didn't win the game but had fun.
Looking at what I want to play in Conquest I will probably need to learn how to jungle as in start stuff etc. Also might or might not stop the blog series itself while keeping the challange up
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