June 09, 2019
Z-A: Xing Ting
Views: 2047
So time to cross the next one of the list.
Xian ting was kinda new for me. Had played him several times not really understanding his kit before I quitted.
But damn does he have a good Kit. Only gotta get some CDR (mostly via boots) as is quite long.
SO ability thoughts:
Smouldering Rage is quite decent too regen up with. Unless you think to get use from it during a fight. It's pretty much meant for healing up after trades or fights.
Furious Roar Howly hell is this ability good. For me it is pretty much first maxed ability. The reason why is because it not only does a nice bit of damage upfront followed by a max hp % DoT, for that wave clear. It also gives you a damage reduction to basic attacks, which is quite great and honestly is a harder peel than the following ability if there is not a mage trying to blow someone up.
Hook Slam really easy to hit and actually for some reason I proc beads with it a lot for some reason. Probably something I should have maxed first, however the increase to the root is quite small and the CD doesn't get lower sadly. Probably should try it one game still somewhere later down the line.
Sky-Cutting Axe is quite decent saves the use of blink and gives some nice survivability.
Whirlwind of Rage and Steel it's great to keep enemies into an AoE for a short while or get them into your tower team whatever.
So I myself had quite some good games on him. However I lost my first 2 games of joust. I kinda did top damage in both of them with a full tank build. even manage to solo people in several conditions.
He was fun however I'm planning to move on to
Xbalanque which I will probably pair with
Vulcan or if it ends up being tomorrow just update this post, maybe even combining all of them with the use of spoilers we will see.
3 is for initiation or escape, so it's a bit outside of the combo, and when possible you blink in and ult.